The Longing of Love

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I crave the sweet feeling,

Of a lovers caress,

For one sweet kiss,

To end every mess,


I envy the ones,

Who have a perfect match,

Is love a disease?

Is it one I can catch?


I  read the tender pages,

Of every romance,

And study the movements,

Of a soul mates dance,


But sadly for me,

No love comes my way,

And I sleep alone,

At the end of the day,


And I dream of a person,

To hold my warm heart,

Who no one would dare,

To keep us apart,


The dreams come to an end,

And I wake up alone,

But I look and I search,

I wander and roam,


I still look for love,

And pray for a time,

When I find the one,

That I can call 'Mine'.


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