A Cold Winters Night

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A cold winters night,

Wind whipping my flesh,

It is an old heartbreak,

But feels so damn fresh,

I saw him again,

In her cruel, lying arms,

For when she's with him,

She turns up her charms,

But when he is absent,

And not by her side,

She's horrid and mean,

She's unjust and snide,

From her perfect mouth,

Insults do spew,

Knocking and ringing,

Inside of you,

From her manicured claws,

She rakes down your skin,

Bloodied gashes,

From your shoulders to shins,

A once pure heart,

As white as a dove,

Now darker than ash,

And lacks joy and love,

Her beautiful body,

She uses to tease,

And the boys do come crawling,

On their hand and their knees,

So when I saw her with him,

Him as clueless as ever,

Still being used,

And her thinking she's clever,

It broke me once more,

To see such a sight,

But I will move on,

In this cold winters night.

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