When am I gonna get a damn explanation

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Sofi knew that sometimes questions weren't supposed to be asked. Not because it was dangerous - but because sometimes when certain questions were asked you didn't get the answer; you got a fabrication of an answer.

That's why she didn't question why Mr.Carrot had brought C to the house. It's also why when her sister ushered the girl into the sitting room she didn't bother going into the room, instead taking residence outside, back to the wall next to the doorframe with Mr.Carrot in her lap.

"And you decided to shoot at it?"

"Well it worked didn't it? Or, are you going to shove that stick higher up your ass because of that as well!?"

C's voice held a quite type of contempt. She knew her eldest sister and the older girl didn't paticularly get along- Mary was a tricky person to get along with.

She was far too knowledgeable and far too pretty. It scared people and if there was something Sofi had learnt growing up with magic and deamonship running through her veins it was that people hated what they were scared of.

And C was very scared of Mary and her power, she supposed most people were. Mary didn't have much magic, or much of anything beyond human according to research and willing scans. But there was something that upset the balance of the human mind around her.

Sofi often presumed it was her underlying arrogance. But it wasn't arrogance. It was rightful confidence. Backed rightful confidence and that underlies everything she did and in turn it scared people.

"I'm just questioning your motives, not your methods."

"You gave me this stupid shitty thing and said I'd know when to use it! Well I thought to myself 'hey I know! Let's fucking use it!' "

She knew the other girl wasn't aware of her presence when the curse word left her. For as vulgar as C's language was around her, she knew the red head always attempted to keep the swearing to a restricted list of approved curse words.

"They're really going at it then?" 

Looking away from the portrait in front of her (a grotesque yet beautiful still life of a manticore ripping into a hydra like a black widow and it's  mate during season) she looked over at her other older sister. Mini was so much like Mary and yet completely different at the same time.

She was gorgeous and intelligent but contastingly also overwhelmingly filled with magic, it practically reeked on her. Or that could of been Sofi's magic sensitive nose. Mr.Carrot squirmed in her lap as she stopped petting him, and forcefully redirected her hand to continue running her fingers over his head.

Her sister slouched against the wall before collapsing in a lump next to her, her neon yellow socks a sharp contrast to the marron t-shirt and white, blue and green plaid pyjama bottoms she was wearing. Her head lolled to the right until it was resting on her own. Her unkempt hair slipped into her face.

"Man, what'd C do? All I know is that she screwed up and Mars had this guy," she motioned to Mr.Carrot with her thumb, "Shadow pull her threw to here."

The mention of a shadow pull made Sofi's skin crawl. No wonder C had looked so out of it. A shadow pull required the person to be dragged through the between where any number of boards or solos could of ripped her away and stowed her into the deamon realm.

That was without taking into account the girls justified fear of drowning. Shadow pull also knocked the air out of your lungs. Mary had to be really pissed to use that on her.

"Yeah well maybe I just shouldn't be here!"

"And how are you going to get back? You have as much magic in your body as I do."

"I'll fucking find a way! I'm not taking this crap! I do what I'm told but you're lecturig me? No, that's absolute bull and you know it."

"I'm only trying to tell you to keep others safety in mind-"

"I am!"

There as was slam, "You fucking  aren't. Now, sit down." Her voice was scathing.

Sofi looked over at Mini to see the same look in her eyes, "Let's leave them to it."

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