First Kiss

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Our first kiss was really awkward. I  can tell you that much.

It was two months in, which was May. May nineteenth to be exact.

I mean, we had been friends for so long and once I started crushing on him, I had imagined it quite a few times, but other than that it was weird to think about. And it's not like I didn't consider that we'd eventually be kissing... it's just... I don't know.

We had gone to the library to get a few books (we were reading a lot lately) and I loved the smell. Also, it was quiet because nobody goes to the library right outside of L.A.

Scott and I wandered around the library and eventually met in a dim corner. I sat on the worn, chestnut, leather couch and started flipping through the book I had just picked.  Scott sat next to me, and when he got bored of looking at his book, he leaned his head on my shoulder. I could've massaged his temple with my shoulder. I barely noticed, though, because I had begun the first chapter of the book Waiting for Sarah. It captivated me from the first few sentences. I don't know how, but the writing style spoke to me and I already wanted to read more.

Scott swiveled his head just slightly so his chin was resting on the top of my shoulder. He was staring at the side of my face, studying me. I could feel his eyes upon me. I continued reading, but Scott was slowly inching forward until his lips were getting close to my face. Placing a bookmark the library had sitting out on page six, I turned my face slightly towards him.

"Hello there, Scott."


"Whatcha doin?"

"I'm kinda really wanting to kiss you."

I got goosebumps when he said that. My body started to shake internally. At least, I think it was internally. Maybe it wasn't. Who could know?

And that's when my brain went into overdrive. He wants to kiss me? Me? Oh my god, what if I mess it up? Do I even remember how to kiss? I haven't kissed somebody in so long! How do lips move? What if it ruins what we have going? Kissing changes everything. Kissing can lead to places. I love our friendship and casual dating, but...  he's. so. cute.

Scott's voice cut through my  thoughts.

"Mitch? Mitchell? Miiiiitchelllll? You're freaking me out. Answer me."

Apparently I hadn't been answering because I had zoned out. "What? Huh?"

And then he planted his lips on mine. I wasn't expecting it, even though I probably should have been, since he did say he wanted to kiss me. So, like a complete idiot, I didn't kiss back. I could definitely tell Scott was confused, so he continued to kiss me for longer than I'm willing to admit before I made my lips move. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before. Scott was glad I kissed back, so he kissed deeper and I sat there, wondering what to do with my hands. I grasped onto my book so hard, my knuckles were white. He also didn't know where to put his hands, so he set one on my upper arm.

It was just... very... very awkward.

He broke the kiss.

"What kind of a kiss was that? That was terrible," he asked, a small, yet still disappointed smile fixated on his face.

Suddenly my nerves were gone. It was over. My body wasn't stiff anymore and I moved, at practically full force, and attacked his lips with my own. He thankfully kissed back right away.

It wasn't a long kiss and it was still a little awkward, but it made me happy. I had just kissed Scott Hoying. And Scott Hoying was all I needed to be happy.

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