Chapter 1

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//3rd person POV//

You took a deep breath, slowly sighing it back out. Closing your eyes for a moment, you took a step forward and entered through the doors. As soon as you walked inside of Suna High School, you were mobbed by teenage boys. They started shouting out compliments and all you could do was force a smile and continue walking.

//Your POV//

I stepped into my first class of the day and tried to make it to my seat as soon as possible. Girls turned to look at me with envy, while every guy looked up at me with admiration. All I could do was look down at my feet and continue walking. The bell rang the second I sat down. I hate Mondays...

The teacher, looking bored, stood up and picked up a clipboard from his desk and started calling out role. I turned to look out the window, not really paying attention to the other names being called out. When I heard my name I respectfully raised my hand, "Here!", he looked at me and smiled, then continued on his previous task.

Great... Time for another boring class. Why do we even need to study this? It's not like we're ever going to use this in real life! What school really needs to teach us is how to pay taxes and such, not how to find the circumference of a stupid circle.

My thoughts wandered off as the teacher finished role call and started today's lesson.

Friday, please come soon...


//Sasuke's POV//

I walked with Naruto on our way to Konoha High. He was rambling on about something that happened to his goldfish 4 years ago or whatever. I didn't really pay attention because I was mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen.

Why does this have to happen to me everyday?! I bet no one else has to go through this! I can't say I don't enjoy it though...

We stepped inside and crazy fangirls instantly ran over to us. Well, more specifically, they ran over to me. I recognized the 'leaders' of these girls. They were probably the most annoying ones of them all.

That might be what made them the 'leaders'. A smirk spread across my face at the thought and continued to make my way to class, ignoring the ruckus going on behind


Naruto and I sat down in our seats as he continued talking, "... And that's why I got attacked by a group of squirrels." He ended his story and turned to look at me, grinning. I looked at him, unamused, and spoke, "Thanks. I definitely needed to know that,"

He pouted and turned back around, facing the front, "You weren't even paying attention to my story, right?", "Oh I was, but it was too boring for to even comprehend."

He frowned, but his sadness immediately washed away. "Hey Sasuke, are you going to the football match this Friday? It's gonna be at Suno High!" Flipping my text book open and tuning to a random page, I looked at him. My eyebrows knitted together.

Since when does this dobe like football?, dismissing the thought, I answered,

"I don't know. Football doesn't interest me much.", "Oh come on! It'll be fun! Besides, what other plans would you have on a Friday?", "Something could pop up. You never know.", "Please?! I won't stop bothering you about it otherwise!", "Fine whatever. I'll think about it."

I blew my bangs out of my eyes. The conversation ended after that, thanks to the bell.

After first period, Naruto brought up the last conversation again, "I heard there's a girl there, at Suno High and she's a cheerleader apparently. People talk about her like she's something really special. So I figured, since she's a cheerleader, she'll most likely be there at the game! I want to see her for myself and maybe hopefully meet her!"

So that's why he wanted to go.

"Is that the only reason you want to go?" I don't know why I asked, I already knew the answer. Flustered, he begins blushing and blubbering, "O-of course not! I like football too y'know! Plus Suno is pretty tough and..." His voice droned on as I tuned him out.

Yeah, Naruto, I'm not falling for that. But then again, I can't exactly say I wasn't interested by this 'rumor'...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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