Meet my latest OC

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Frist things frist, Kleeshay here.


Name: "HI! I'm Mary Isabella Crystal Prism Ophelia Sue! But you can call me Cherry! Tee-hee!"

Age: "Hey! Here's a secret. I look 16, but I'm actually millions of years old! Tee-hee!"

Gender: "It sucks being a girl, cuz every guy I talk to wants to marry me. Tee-hee!"

Personality: "I'm nice and kind and sweet and generous and patient and understanding and passionate and inspiring. Oh, but I'm depressed because I'm the last angel-fox-Neko-goddess-cyborg-alien-girl to ever exist. Flaws? What are those? Oh well. Tee-hee!"

Powers: "Time-manipulation, human lie-detector, super speed, super strength, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, galaxy manipulation, the Force, Parselmouth, super-genius, wall-crawler, web-shooter, indestructibility, invisibility, Multiverse-travelling, shapeshifter, flight, and thousands of others I haven't discovered. Tee-hee!"

Looks: "I'm tall, have waist-long blonde hair with a rainbow streak, one gold eye and one purple eye, a lightning-bolt birthmark on my forehead, big wings with feathers of every color of the rainbow, rainbow neko ears, and a rainbow fox tail. I wear very cute rainbow crop-tops with very cute rainbow short-shorts, knee-high rainbow socks, and rainbow converse. I think I'm ugly, but everyone tells me I'm beautiful and have a perfect body, even though I know they're lying just to make me happy. Did I mention I'm a human lie-detector? Tee-hee!"

History: "My entire family was murdered in front of me. My mom was an angel-fox-neko, and my dad was an alien-cyborg-god. They all were killed in front of me by bad guys, and then the bad guys killed everyone in my village. The bad guys took me to do experiments, but I used my teleportation to escape. And then when I grew up I talked to the head of the bad guys and he became good and so did all the other bad guys. And then I died saving the head bad guy from other bad guys about 50 times. And then I helped reform those bad guys! And then I traveled around the Multiverse following Stario and Kleeshay and everyone I met fell in love with me! Now I have a boyfriend in every fandom. Tee-hee!"

Boyfriends: "Sonic, Luke, Emmet, Batman, Ironman, Harry, Sherlock, Sans, Link, Mario... oh, there's too many to list! Tee-hee!"

"Oh, PS- April Fools! Tee-hee!"

Hope you enjoyed this silly little prank. What do you think of this OC? Should I write a parody story about her? If y'all want, you guys can use her if you feel like writing something stupid.

See you later, have a nice day, and I have to leave because testing. Laters.

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