Jeffs unfortunately unfinished life

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  • Dédié à MusicHeart

Authors notes- Well be getting a proof reader soon, tomorrow maybe, and he will help and this is my first fanfic, and its based on a real story about me and my mare, Music Heart-)

-SORRY APPLEDON IF YOU READ IT :P SHE ASKED ME..pls don't kill me don...-))

Jeff's day started normal he ate, went to school, to work then to bed, well in bed he decided to Skype with his old friend Thunder ling,While they were skyping somepony joined the call, it was a mare named Music heart, She had video on, we saw her, Jeff instantly fell in love, he never had a marefriend in his life..this feeling was new to him,meanwhile at home, it was midnight...he still hasn't falls asleep, instead he looked at the ceiling"I JUST DON'T GET IT"

He yelled, very confused what this meant...but his mind kept him up, feeling like he needs to vomit,finally he couldn't hold it back...he ran to the toilet,then vomited..."uough..." "what. Why...celestia..." To be compare it,he felt hung-over.. "Yeh...Vinyl..Im sick..puking..I cant come..." He called his boss to tell her that he needed the day out instead he spent all day on Skype talking to Music Heart..Music shipped them, he denied the whole 'do you have a crush on me' thing. Honestly he did though... Every once in awhile he checked his body heat,everything but the new feeling that arrived last night was fine...everything was twisty fresh...But when he finally fell asleep his Skype was still on, Music watched him for a minute before ending the call,he was cute when he slept.He even blushed in his sleep "Aww so cuewt :3." She said to her self

Before falling asleep her self

Well, the next day he got woken up by a skype call, it was her, MH..He picked up " Yehs? This is Jeff..are you here for Oh, Hey Music! You look good today!" He mentally face hoofed

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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