Quirkless? <3

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(Akari's POV)

After the incident with Katsukun, I found Izukun trying to shoo some fish away from his notebook. I watched him carefully since it looked like he had stopped to think about something. I put one hand on his shoulder "Izukun?". He quickly snapped out of his trance "sorry Arichan I was just thinking back to when I was told I didn't have a quirk...". I frowned and said "Izukun...try not to care what other people think. You're strong and you'd make a great hero". I could see his face turning a scarlet red and he backed away from me quickly. "H-hehe well let's head to my place okay?" he nervously stuttered. I giggled. "Oh Izukun what am I going to do with you?" I thought. We started our journey to his place and walked through a tunnel.

Pant PANT BUHHH GLOMP with wide eyes, Izukun and I started running from a villain who came out of the sewer.

I panicked and tried to commanded the air to push the villain away, but it already grabbed onto Izukun.

"NO! Izukun!" I yelled.

Right on cue, the number 1 hero touched the ground and smashed the villain. He tightly secured the liquid figure into a clear bottle and turned around to look at us. "Unc-...I mean ALL MIGHT! You did it!" I praised. He winked at me, then turned his attention to the boy who was harshly dropped on the ground. All Might quickly signed the notebook and tried to make sure Izukun was conscious. Once Izukun saw the autograph and stopped bowing, All Might squatted into a takeoff position. My eyebrow twitched a little once I heard All Might cough.

He's near his limit.

I tried to convince Izukun to turn around and continue walking to his house, but I knew he was determined to ask his favorite hero more questions. "Until next time! Thanks for your support!" All Might yelled while hopping into the sky.

All Might looked down and saw two little bodies holding onto both his feet. "HEY NOW! Release me! Such enthusiasm is a bit much!" All Might yelled. "He might die if he let's go" I screamed while the wind harshly blows hair in my face. Once we landed on a rooftop Izukun stood up and asked "Can someone without a quirk become a hero like you?". I stared in awe knowing how passionate Izukun feels about heroes. I was so focused on Izukun's reasoning for becoming a hero that I forgot about uncle Toshi's state until it was too late.

"The way you save people with that fearless smile! I want to be the strongest hero just like y-WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Izukun froze.

"I am All Might. You know how people hold in their gut at the at the pool? It's like that" I snickered and went to give my uncle a hug. "No way!...Wait Arichan how do you know him?" Izukun questions nervously. "I'm sorry Izukun, I would've loved to tell you before, but it wasn't my place. When I was little my parents died, and All Might took care of me. I call him uncle Toshi since Yagi Toshinori is his real name" I replied with a smile. After my All Might explained his condition to Izukun he answered his earlier question "Without power can one become a hero? I should think not...It's not wrong to dream". I gave my uncle a sour looked as he left and went to comfort Izukun. I couldn't read his expression and hugged Izukun as tight as possible.

Izukun and I finally continued our journey back to his place. I felt hurt for him. All he could do was stare at the burnt notebook and a couple tears dropped on it. BOOM! We both turned our heads to look at the big crowd that formed near some building across the street. As we pushed our way towards the front of the crowd we stood there in shock.

It was the monster from earlier and he took someone...KATSUKUN?!!!

I looked around and none of the heroes had quirks that could stop the villain. I had to do something. I frantically looked all over for help, but stopped once I had met eyes with Katsukun. He was scared. I looked at Izukun and we both nodded in agreement. "Get back here you fools! Stop!" One of the heroes yelled. "You're dead" the villain chuckled while looking at us. Izukun threw his bag at the villain while I used my quirk to throw large waves of air in hopes of separating the liquid grasp on Katsukun. Just after I heard Izukun telling Katsukun he looked like he needed saving, a muscular hand grabbed onto Katsukun, Izukun, and me. "Detroit Smash!" In an instant it started raining. I quickly told All Might that I'd be over at Izukun's and left him to talk to the crowd.

I could tell that Izukun felt bad about what happened, so we just walked back in silence. "Hey Deku! I never asked you to save me!" Katsukun furiously declared "Now get lost!". Once Izukun spun back around, Katsukun grabbed my wrist and quickly pecked my cheek.

Did he just kiss me on the cheek?!

I internally screamed, but noticed that Katsukun stomped away right after.

All Might suddenly appeared and shared the story of One for All with Izukun. After explaining his situation to Izukun, All Might proposed him to inherit his power. "You'll be the hero you always wanted to be Izukun" I thought as the crying boy formed a puddle around himself.

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