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I'm not good at introductions,  but I'll try my best.  My name is Kairah Ebony Lane. I'm 17 years and old this is my life story I guess you could say. I'll start off with the basics. I was born in a hospital in the small town I call home, with two loving parents. My mother Shannon was like any other mum, loving and caring with that trademark mother smell. She was a preschool teacher, and according to her I would always get jealous when other kids wanted her attention, but I think she says that to make herself feel better, I've never been the jealous type. My father Danny, he was like any normal dad, he was a pediatrician, weird I know, both of my parents worked with Children. I always thought I had a normal childhood, but looking back at it now,  I realize that I wasn't a normal child. I never really had many friends, ones that stuck around anyways. Every other kid always wanted to get involved, but I never wanted to do anything and even as a kid, if I had a crush,  I would fall. Hard. Things never really got better from there. But enough about me, it's time you met my flat mates, my three best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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