Jillian & Humphrey

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I know that we only see them together in one episode, but that's never stopped me before, so I ship it!

Jillian brings out the brave in Humphrey, even he doesn't think it's possible.

When Humphrey Dumpty watches Jillian Beanstalk climbing the beanstalk he wants to learn how she does it, so he asks her to teach him how to be brave.  She tries to help him over come his fear, but nothing she does works, until he decides to try climbing the beanstalk for himself.  Of course she goes to rescue him, but when he says that he can't jump to where she is, she pretends to be in trouble and he rescues her.

The two then jump down from the beanstalk and while flying through the air Humphrey goes from being terrified to realising that he is totally safe because Jillian has her parachute with her.  So while he may not be totally over his fear, Jillian did succeed in bringing the braver side out of him and I think that is very cute.  I mean he did swing on part of the beanstalk to "save" her when he thought she was really in trouble so that is saying something if you ask me.

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