Virgil POV: Day One

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I was done with this life. Waking up the stairs to the roof, I reflected on how bad it was. I started reaching down to untie my shoes, when I heard a faint sniffling sound. I shrugged it off, assuming that some bitches boyfriend had just dumped her.

Opening the door, I stepped onto the roof. The last place I would ever see before I died.

Or not.

Taking another step onto the concrete, I saw someone crying over the railing. He wore a red sash over a white prince outfit with gold accents. From the looks of it, he had nothing to cry about. He looked perfect. But you should never trust a book by it's cover. My eyes widened as I saw him straighten up and start to untie his own shoes. He was going to jump.

"Hey, don't do it please."

He turned around, startled.

Woah wait a minute what did I just say. I couldn't give two shits about this 'prince'. To be honest I was somewhat pissed. He had ruined my death.

He rubbed his eyes dry and looked at the ground.

"I should probably explain. This is going to sound so cliche but I thought that this man was the love of my life.But then he told me he was done."

I filled up with rage.

"For God's sake please, are you serious? I can't believe you. For some stupid reason, you got up here before me. If this guy didn't want you then you must have been to good for him. Are you upset because you can't have everything exactly how you want it. You're just lucky that you've never been robbed of anything."

He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm feeling better, thank you for listening."

He gave me an awkward hug and walked down the stairs off of the roof, disappearing. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. That experience put me out of my bad thoughts for today. I'll come back up tomorrow.

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