Say Hello To The Host

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A lush, green forest is seen during the night as it passes by a clearing appears with a house in the middle. The door to the house opens as a pure white being steps outside with a black outline. He smiles as he stretches while looking at the house. The camera stops by his side. He looks to his side.

???: Why, hello? Is this a viewing orb I see. Well if I'm seeing you then that means we got away with out our plan. Anyway nice to meet you all I'm Phoenixfox11 or part of Phoenixfox11. We'll explain that later or is it I'll explain that later. No matter just call me PF for now.

PF looks around as an orb appears in front of him. PF opens a portal and grabs the orb. He throws the orb through the portal.

PF: If your wondering what that was it was a universe for the viewing. As for this place. Well I do have OCs but their not here right now. You'll be seeing one of them in the later chapters. Of course the chapter will act as a pilot chapter for my future RWBY story. Well I better head to the theater room to set everything up for the reactions and grab the RWBY crew and a few others.

PF creates a portal and walks through it to appear in a theater. Closing the portal behind him he walks around the place. A wave of his hand a double door appears in the back with exit signs above them.

PF: Hmmmm. Is there anything that I'm missing. I have the doors to the house for them to explore while on break. The kitchen is across from here, boys bathrooms are to the left while the girls bathrooms are to the right. Did I include the bedrooms?

A list appears in his hands as he looks at it the double door is opened by someone in a white cloak. PF turns to the person.

PF: Ah Summer. How are you doing? Why did you enter I've told you wait didn't I.

Summer: Yes, but the others wanted me to help you make sure everything was going okay.

PF: Well the only thing I'm not sure is the bedrooms for everyone?

Summer: You have them all set ready for the guests. Now can you please hurry I want to see my two little angels.

PF: I'm not sure Yang can be called an angel.

Summer: You take that back. She acts that way so she can protect Ruby and you know it.

PF: Yeah, I know but still people will assume a lot from her since how she acts.

Summer: Hey, I had to flirt with both sexes to get info on who killed the Summer Maiden while I was still alive.

PF: I know. But don't you think she does it way to much for her own good.

Summer: We can discuss for another time. Can we just get started already. Arguing about how Yang acts is getting us nowhere.

PF: Okay. Now take a seat while I get everyone here.

Summer sits down as PF opens portals to get everyone here.

On Remnant time seems to stop as several portals open up and suck in several people.

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