jack avery / 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥

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you pulled into the driveway after your day of classes, seeing jack's car parked in the same place it was this morning, which confused you, seeing as he was supposed to be at the studio. you brushed it off, though, thinking maybe they got done early.

you walked into the house, not seeing jack in the living room or kitchen. you walked to the bedroom where you heard the tv softly playing, and when you walked in, you saw jack bundled up in blankets on the bed, sleeping.

you smiled as you walked over to him and saw him sleeping peacefully. you ran your hand through his hair softly, as not to wake him up. you walked around to the other side of the bed and pulled out your laptop, beginning to work on homework.

about 20 minutes had passed when jack began to stir and he let out a small groan.

"hi, baby," you said to him as you turned to see a look of pain on his face.

"hey, are you okay?" you asked. you leaned toward him just as he shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom, where he huddled over the toilet and threw up.

you walked into the bathroom behind him and sat on the edge of the tub as you rubbed his back and pushed his hair away from his face. after a few minutes, you got up and wet a washcloth to bring back to jack and placed it around the his neck.

"how are you feeling, babe?" you asked.

"gross," he groggily replied as he placed his head on his hands.

"do you know why you're sick, baby? did you eat something bad?"

"i don't know... zach and i just had some chipotle yesterday."

you sighed as you continued rubbing his back. "maybe it just didn't sit right or something. have you taken any medicine?"

"no, i've just been sleeping all day."

"well let's get you some, that way you're not sick for any longer than you need to be," you said as you got up to dig through the cabinet. you pulled out some upset stomach medicine and gave him two tablets and filled up a cup of water.

"here, chew these, and sip your water. you can come back to the bedroom as soon as you feel okay enough to get up and move," you handed him the medicine as you went back into the bedroom to set him up with clean blankets and pillows.

a few minutes had passed before you heard the toilet flush and jack come into the bedroom. he crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head on your lap.

you subconsciously started playing with his hair while he watched you work on your homework. he eventually turned so he was laying on his back and he studied your features for a few minutes before you noticed.

you looked down at him and a smile came across your face.

"hi," you chuckled. "are you feeling any better?"

"sort of. i think i'm done throwing up. thank god," he rolled his eyes as you laughed lightly.

"good, i'm glad. make sure you get a good night's sleep tonight," you said as you leaned forward to give him a kiss on the forehead.

he continued staring at you before you finally looked back at him and raised your eyebrows at him.


"i love you."

you smiled. "i love you, too, jack."

"no, seriously. i'm in love with you. you're amazing. everything you do, you're incredible. you always manage to put others before yourself. like the other day, when we were at the mall and you saw that lady who was a few dollars short, you didn't even think twice before going over and covering what she couldn't. today, you came home and even though i was sleeping, i know for a fact the first thing you did was come see where i was and check on me. and i could never, in a million years, express how much i appreciate and admire that about you. you have such an incredible impact on the world and everyone around you just because of who you are."

you had tears in your eyes and a smile on your face as he sat up and continued.

he grabbed your hands and continued speaking, "you are always telling me how much you appreciate me and you say i inspire you, but baby, you are the inspiration here. this world does not deserve you— i do not deserve you. you're the kindest, most caring and most selfless human i have ever met. how the hell did i get lucky enough to be with you? to be with a girl who deals with me and zach being stupid at 3 a.m., and who deals with me being gone for months at a time, but still keeps that same spark every time i come home, and who deals with my temper-tantrums, and who takes care of me when i'm sick? how did i get that lucky? how did anyone on this earth get so lucky to know you? you are a gift, y/n. and i appreciate and cherish and love the hell out of you."

you were quiet for a few minutes as he reached forward and wiped your tears from your cheeks.

"i do all of that because i love you. because i don't wanna lose you— you're the best thing to happen to me, jack, and if that means i have to deal with your anger about the boys or something at the studio, and if that means i have to deal with the pranks and the weird jokes, and deal with your sickness, then so be it. i love you so much, avery."

"ugh i wish i could kiss you right now, but i don't wanna get you sick, too," he pouted.

you laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"i don't care about that, it's your nasty breath i care about," you teased.

he faked being hurt before rolling back over and putting his head back in your lap.

"i love you, y/n."

"i love you, too, jack. get some rest."

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