Prologue (Rewritten)

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Three years earlier.

Skylar couldn't believe it. This was another testament to the theory that she, Skylar Hart had the worst luck ever. She was twenty one years old and in her twenty one years of existence, she has been abandoned outside the gates of an orphanage at two weeks, put into the foster care system at six when the orphanage shut down sue to lack of funds, moved from foster home to foster home, bullied in school for being a nerd and most recently getting fired from the De'Amico Industries after only three weeks of working there.

And now this.

A lot of girls her age had sex, whether it was with their boyfriends or good old one-night stands. She had hoped to be the same. But what were the chances of them getting pregnant the very first time, slim you might say? But of course, Skylar would end up getting pregnant from her first time having sex. Of course, the universe wanted to mess up everything in her life.

She held the pregnancy test in her hand, the positive sign on the little screen mocking her and berating her for her stupidity.

It had been all of six minutes and Samantha was pardon my French losing her shit.

No amount of coaxing and cursing on her part was getting her best friend to open the bathroom door. It must be bad news, she told herself when she heard the soft sobs of her best friend coming from the inside. She had always tried her best to be there for Sky and she would try her very best to be there for her, now.

"Please open the door Sky," she pleaded with her best friend. Skylar's sobs had been reduced to the occasional whimper.

She heard the tell-tale sign of the door unlocking and taking that as an invitation, she tiptoed into the bathroom. Skylar was on the floor, her knees held to her chest, sniffling with the pregnancy test stick thingy clutched in her hand.

Samantha plopped down next to her and Skylar placed her head on her shoulder, an indication that Samantha should run her hands through her hair. That never failed to calm Sky down.

"What am I going to do?" She asked her best friend, sniffling and hiccuping from her recent cry fest.

"You're not in this alone. You have me. I'll help you out as much as I can. Don't worry." Samantha assured her best friend, she never made empty promises and she was all Sky had.

Skylar shakily nodded her head.

"What about the father? Are you going to tell him?"

Skylar swiftly shook her head before speaking. "No! I'm am not telling him about this baby and neither are you, Sam. After what he did to me, he doesn't deserve to know this baby and don't you dare try to convince me to give him a chance. It's not going to happen."

"I think you should. He should know about it. It's his baby too." Samantha tried hard to reason with her best friend.

"What if he doesn't take it well? What if he tells me to get rid of it?! No I can't do this. I am not telling him about the baby." Skylar's voice was filled with panic.

"Okay okay. No need to go all protective mama bear on me. I won't breathe a word of it." Samantha held up her hands in defeat.

"I'm going to go and make an appointment with the doctor." She excused herself from the room to make the phone call.

Skylar found herself standing in front of the mirror, staring at the baby bump that was almost unnoticeable. She ran her hands gently over her stomach. It didn't matter that this tiny life growing inside of her had been the result of a single night to passion; she would love him or her all the same.

"Its going to be you and me from now, little bean," she found herself saying.

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