Water Fun !!!!

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Hey guys! It's me Ethel and I am back to write this chapter! And thank you Clarrissa for helping me take over my story when I was gone! You are the best friend Ever! And Yes I did ask her to Help me, so without further hesitation enjoy this chapter! ^_^

Ethel: Hey Cla, remember on Tuesday when we went to June's house and we went swimming and we played the game where we had to push everyone in the water?

Cla: Yeah!!! It was AWESOME!

Ethel: So Let's ask everyone to play that game!

Cla: Yeah! * shouts loudly Everyone! Come here! Time for a dare!

Jack: *smiles dreamily I am here!


Jack: Huh?

Ethel: You were dreaming idiot!

Jack : NO I WASN'T!!!

Ethel: You were ! Just because you have a crush on my best friend doesn't mean you can freaking shout at me Mr Frostbutt!!!

Jack: Oi! I am NOT Frost -

Cla: *Throws a dagger in front of him* Just zip it before I zap you with Zeus lightning bolt!

Jack: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  *shivers*

Rap: Hahaha!!!!  You deserved it!!  Nobody asked you to scream at the author!

Cla: That's right girl! Whoever messes with my best friend messes with M-E me!

Elsa: Yeah!!!!

Ethel: Thanks Cla!

Cla: No problemo sis!

Ethel: Anyways without anyone distrupting *glares with the scary glare at Jack*

Jack: *Whimpers*

Ethel: Let's begin the dare!

Cla: Yay!

Ethel: Okay. This is How it goes. Everyone will go to the wadding pool and stand up. The objective is to push everyone down and not get pushed down. Every person you push down earns 2 points. If you get pushed down, you lose 2 points.

*June, Onyx and Kelly suddenly appears*

Ethel and Cla: YAY! Now we all can play!!!! Let the game begin!!!

Everyone: Okay!!!!

June: As usual, Onyx you will be the first to lose! *Pushes Onyx down*

Onyx: Awwwww man!!!!  Oh come on!!!!!

Ethel: Sorry Onyx, but You are OUT!

Yili: Fine!!!

Cla: *pushes Kelly Urghhhhhh!!!!  *Kelly falls*

Kelly: No shyt Sherlock!

Cla: Hehe!!!  Sorry Wall-E!!!

Ethel: You mean Kelp!

Ethel: You are going down Bad boy!!!  *pushes Jack*

Jack: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  Now I am not as good as Cla!!!

Ethel: You Never was because you will Never be ! Only girls like us will be as good as Cla! *Sticks out tongue*

Ethel: *tries to push June* very hard Urghhhhh!!!!  So harrdddddd!!!!!

June: *Falls down* Awwwww man!!!!  Sheeshh.....

Ethel: Phew!!!  That was tiring.

Elsa: *pushes Rap*

Rap: Awwwww!!!!!

Anna: Pushes Elsa But falls down instead

Elsa: Yay???  Sorry Anna!

Anna: No problem sis!

Ethel: *pushes Elsa* *pushes hiccup*

Cla: *pushes Kristoff* *pushes Merida*

Mer:  Awwwwww!!!!  Sheeshhh!!!!  Not again!!!!

Ethel: *knocks into Syd and Syd falls*

Sydney: Nooooooooooooo!!!!

Ethel: Oops?

Cla: *pushes Savvy*

Savvy: Noooooooooooooo!!!!!

Cla: *tries and push Ethel But fails*

Ethel: *tries and push Cla but fails* Guess It's a tie! We are even!

Cla : Yeah! High five!

Ethel: Now for the results!

Cla: Onyx Olivia, 0 points

Ethel: Kelly Alyssa Odair, 10 points

Cla: June Elizabeth Winter, 26 points

Ethel : Jack Overland Frost, 16 points

Cla: Elsa Arrendelle, 35 points

Ethel: Rapunzel De Corona, 31 points

Cla: Anna Arrendelle, 33 points

Ethel: Hiccup de Bert, 40 points

Cla: Kristoff De Arrendelle, 46 points

Ethel: Merida De Dunbroch, 56 points

Cla: Sydney Star Sky Shylynn, 78 points

Ethel: Savannah Star Sky Shylynn, 88 points

Cla: Ethel Crystal Bright Glimmer

Ethel: Clarrissa Lynn Latte Lalatissa

Both: 100 points!

All: Yay!!!  Hurray!

Ethel: Well,  That's all!!!

Everyone: Ask and dare away!!!!

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