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i knock on the dolan's door Sunday morning, revealing a shirtless ethan

"hey..?" he says, sounding confused.

"i came to talk to grayson" i said, awkwardly smiling

his face fell and he rolled his eyes, "right. he's in his room"

i gave eth a quick hug before going up to grayson's room

i open the door seeing him laying in bed on his phone

"oh hey nala, what's up?" he asks, sitting up

"we need to talk" i said seriously, "are you breaking up with me?" he jokes with a goofy grin on his face

"it's not you, it's me" i say dramatically, causing him to laugh loudly

"but seriously gray" i said and he stood up, walking over to me

"what's on your mind, nala?" he asks, he seems to take me serious now

"you kissed me, grayson. you have a girlfriend, i-", he cut me off

"because i still love you"

i nod, "do you love taylor" i ask

he nods this time, "yeah. a lot, actually"

i felt my heart break just by hearing that, when suddenly a smile breaks out on his face

"remember that time you were chasing me because i had your phone and you fell down the stairs" he asked, giggling

i nodded, giggling as well

"or the time ethan walked in on us having sex and we rushed to cover ourselves and i accidentally hit you in the balls" i added, laughing as well

"amazing memories that I'll always cherish, bub" he smiled

we used to call each other bub all the time, for no reason actually

"gray..i hate to be that person. but what you did isn't right"

his face drops, "what are you saying?" he asks

i sigh, "im saying it's either me or taylor"

his eyes widen, "there's no way you can make me pick, nal. please don't"

i almost give in, but i knew him choosing was for the better

"gray, me or taylor?"

his head drops so he's looking at the ground and his eyes fill with tears, "i'm so sorry nala"

tears spill out of my eyes as i walk up to him and kiss him roughly

he kisses back immediately, grabbing my waist, pressing it against his

after a couple minutes i pull away and he looks at me, crying

"what was that?" he whispered

"that was goodbye" i said, walking towards his door, but before i walked out, i turned around

"by the way grayson, i could never hate you"

The End

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