Alec Meets Magnus

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Sorry, I am pulling some text from the original show. There are some Malec moments that deserve to be in everything ever written... lol have fun reading!!!!


I woke up today thinking that it was going to be a normal day. I didn't know how wrong I was. I woke up to find Jace pounding on my door.

"Hey, we've got to get going to a party. We think we have a lead on Clary's mother."

I rolled my eyes, "You realize that Clary isn't the most important thing in the world, right?"

"It's also a lead on the Mortal Cup," Jace replied.

I sighed, "Fine, let's go."

We arrived at someone's apartment in Brooklyn and pressed the buzzer. Izzy had said something about some warlock that could possibly help us. He would want payment, but we had a necklace that was important to him. This warlock had wiped the redhead's memories. We needed to know why and how to get those memories back.

Someone opened the door. He had tan skin, spiked up hair with pink at the ends, beautiful eyes that were surrounded by eyeliner and glitter, and hoooly crap. He was hot. He wore white skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a shiny red leather jacket. 

"Hello, Shadowhunters. What brings to you my apartment?" He asked.

My sister stepped up. She probably has the best people skills, "We heard there was a party. Can't we have some fun?"

He spotted the necklace that was around her neck, "And I assume you need my help with something."

"Yes, we do. We brought the necklace as payment. When can we get your services?" Jace demanded.

"Oh, well I'm going to have to prove the authenticity of the necklace and even then I may not be able to help you. You're going to have to take a chance and you may or may not get what you need," He said.

He motioned for us to step inside, I looked around, the place looked like him. 

"I have official business, everybody out!" He boomed.

Everyone left. He looked us each in the eye, but he winked at me. I blushed. Hard.

"Alright, so now that you've ruined my party, what did you want from me?"

Izzy smiled, "Well, it seems as though you know where the demon Shrivasta is. Or at least how to locate him. Is that correct?"

Magnus smiled. It was the most beautiful thing in the world, "Of course I do. That necklace is a gift that I gave to Camille many years ago. Seems like her to go and lose it," he trailed off, looking sad. At that moment I wanted to do anything I could to make him happy again. "But, it looks better on you, Izzy. How about you keep it? Besides, it would look weird on your brother." 

He caught my eye and noticed me staring at him and added in a whisper, "Is your brother a cologne or a flower kind of man?"

I blushed even harder while Izzy and Magnus smiled. I just about passed out. "I need the pretty one to prep everyone on what is about to happen. You're going to have to do whatever you need to as soon as possible. I won't be able to hold him for long. Got it?" 

Izzy and Jace stepped forward to prep us. "Actually I was talking to him." Magnus pointed at me. I didn't know that I could blush any harder, but I did.

"Alright, the Clave wants Shrivasta back alive so that they can question him. Don't kill him. Izzy, try to distract him while Jace and I grab him. Then M-Magnus can portal him back to the institute," I spluttered. God, I can't say anything in front of him.

"What about me?" Clary whined.

"Just stay out of the way mundie."

Getting the demon was the easy part, although we made quite a mess of Magnus' apartment. He could just magic it all back together.

"I'm going to need help cleaning up this terrible mess you made. Think of it as, payment, for my services since I now know that my necklace is in a safe place?" Magnus said.

Izzy shoved me forward, "Alec can help. Can't you Alec?" She winked at me and jumped through the portal back to the institute. As did everyone else. The portal closed. Well, there went my chance to escape.

"Well, I'm Magnus Bane. I don't think we've been properly introduced."

"A-A-Alec Lightwood. Um, w-what do you need to be cleaned up?" I choked out cursing my voice.

"Oh, nothing." He snapped his fingers and everything was fixed instantly. "Want a drink?"

I nodded and accepted a flaming drink from him. He drank bourbon. Once again I marveled at the beauty of this man. I realized I was staring with my mouth wide open and so did he.

"You enjoying the view?" He asked.

"Yeah, um, New York is great?" Stupid me. 'New York is great?' What the heck is wrong with me?

He chuckled, "So, Jace is pretty hot am I right?"

I blanched. He asked me to stay so he could ask questions about my parabatai?

He laughed out loud, "I'm just kidding. The look on your face though. No, I'm not interested in him. I'm interested in you."

I choked on my drink, "Um, what? I, uh, um, have to, uh, get back, to the, um, institute. They're probably waiting for me."

He looked hurt and I felt bad, "Alright, one portal coming right up, Alexander. Call me when you get the chance."

I stepped through the portal and looked down at my hand which had a tingling sensation. His number. My face turned redder. I went straight back to my room and went to sleep.


I woke up and realized that I had been dreaming about Magnus. He was perfect in every way and he was interested in me! My phone buzzed, waking me from my stupor. It was a text from Izzy. There was an emergency meeting in the conference room. I got dressed in my usual black pants and a black shirt and walked down to the conference room.

Everyone was already there by the time I arrived. There was a new girl that I didn't recognize who was standing next to my parents.

"Hello, Alec. As I've just explained to everyone else the Clave has found your parents' leadership unsatisfactory and I will be the new head of the Institute for the time being." She said.

"Um, who are you?" I questioned.

"Lydia Branwell. Unless something were to happen here that would reinstate the Lightwoods to power, you report to me. Not your parents." She smiled. "I hope that we can get along."

I know that shadowhunters marry for power and not love. I decided that I would marry Lydia to restore my family's name.

"You are all dismissed."

I walked up to her. My mouth was completely dry, "Lydia, I want to restore my family's name."

She smiled, "That is going to take time and sacrifice. You can't do it in a moment."

"I think I have a way. What if- what if I were to marry you? Would that work?" I asked.

"It would not only bring back your family legacy, but it would help mine. I accept the proposal." She smiled so wide. All I could think about was Magnus and how I felt as though I was letting him down. "We should probably tell our families." She said.

I nodded. So my fate was sealed. I' getting married.

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