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Weightlessly – I floated through the veil of unconsciousness, drifting far above the tousled cotton sheets that tangled my legs and torso. I felt myself rising like a lone balloon in the wind, twisting and changing direction gracefully as the breath of the earth wills it. A feeling I only remember in the dismal hours of night; as the moon is past its peak, and the sun's gentle touch fails to wrap itself around the world my inert body lays. Deep purple and lavender waves envelop my second form as I began to sink into the cool current that pushed me gently with no sense of direction. I shifted my vision to below where I watched through a mist, my body lay dormant and twisted in bed sheets. My senses almost entirely drowned out by the blockade of purple liquid – yet I heard the muffled sounds of a voice. As I pulled my attentions back upwards the voice became more clear, easier to make out. It called out my name, its urgency became apparent as my body began towards the source. The substance that surrounded me was concentrated with shades of lavender, but as I was pulled upwards it began to dilute. Forgetting every sense, I tried to focus on the black figure that seemed to be beckoning me with its voice – yet I couldn't make anything out before a blinding light began to tug me below. I looked down to see my body stir as the sun crept over my eyes in lines cut out by the spaced blinds against the East facing window. As a last attempt I looked up to see if I could make anything out of the figure that coaxed me upwards; but along with the voice, the dark figure was gone. I was pulled back so quickly it was as if heaven itself had rejected me.

Any sense of peace or urgency I held from the experience was decimated as the abrupt and piercing sound of my alarm-clock caused my eyes to flutter open in utter aggravation. The memory of my experience gone almost entirely. I pulled my wrist free and swung it over to my nightstand. With a hateful slap the buzzard sound retreated into its small mechanical body, as it had served its purpose. I was awake. 

I groggily got out of bed, shivering slightly as my feet touched the cool floor. I wrapped my arms around myself. Making my way across the room I yawned quietly, then fetched a pair of socks. I didn't pay attention to what I grabbed, so I made my way back to bed and pulled them both quickly onto my feet. 

Great, mismatched. Mother is sure to love that. 

I thought to myself sarcastically; I didn't truly care much to change them even if I knew it would put her off. The chaotic side of me smirked internally, resulting in a small inward chuckle. I looked around my room with tired eyes, I spotted my phone on my desk across the room. With a groan I made my way to it. 

Sunday, June 5th, 2016 - 7:06

I set my phone down and went into my bathroom to pursue my morning routine, then into my closet. I slid on a cotton morning robe over my sleep attire - a simple black tank top with thin straps, and a pair of plaid flannel pajama pants. Before heading downstairs I slid my phone into my robe pocket and put my long hair up into a loose bun atop my head with a scrunchy. 

Ignorantly, I made my way downstairs without notice of the graceful tunes of the piano that typically remains a conversation piece aside from reserved days. In which I am, once more, typically aware of. It was unlike my mother or the staff to be spontaneous. 

On the bottom foot of the stairs towards the east dining area, meant for breakfast, I noticed the beautiful sounds of a familiar song. I paused, changing course. I set towards the formal foyer, which is where the piano resided. This room was designed for parties and charity events. The acoustics are perfect for performances and entertainment. The sounds from the foyer fill every room on the first floor. Which is why business is never discussed in the foyer.  

As I approached the smaller hallway connecting to my new destination I heard low chattering. My mothers voice rang familiar, yet there were at least three others in which I did not recognize.

"Mother?" I called out.

"London, darling come meet our guests!" My mother called back in a tone I only hear when we have guests.

"I should change first, I'm not dressed appropriately for entertaining." I responded modestly.

"Nonsense, it's family!" She coaxed.

Adjusting myself I stepped into the connecting hallway, piano still playing. The marble floor was cool even through my socks. I bit my lip anxiously before revealing myself. The chandelier was lit and the main lighting was dimmed. I found my mother with a mimosa in hand, speaking fondly to a presumable couple, close to her own age. They aged with money, their refined behavior and put together appearance was the give away. Across the room was a boy slightly older if not similar to my own age. He dress slightly more casual, yet, not at all ordinarily. He inspected the ceiling as if to compare it to a place he had before seen. Yet, still he look disinterested. Another boy similar to the first, played at the grand piano. He looked disinterested in all but the keys beneath his fingers, and the notes he play through them. 

"Good morning - all." I smiled politely, not allowing myself to stare. 

Though, the two boys were pleasant to look at, and do appear to be doppelgangers of one another; my manners would not allow me to stare. 

However, their manners did not stop them from eyeballing me. I felt embarrassed because of my attire, and it showed from the sudden flush that painted my cheeks; which otherwise was porcelain like in complexion. 

"London," my mother smiled, ushering me further into the room. "This is the Winterbrook family. We've done business together since before you were born. They are actually the reason I adopted."

"Really? I assumed you adopted because you're vain and didn't want to ruin your figure." scoffed the boy that was before staring at the ceiling. "Plus you like boxes better."

"Sebastian!" Mrs. Winterbrook scolded.

I giggled, and he smirked devilishly. 

"It's alright, Margo. He's right to an extent." mother diverted. 

"Right, well - Hello, London." Mrs. Winterbrook pursed. "I'm Margo, this is my husband Elias; our tactless son Sebastian - the oldest, and Nathaniel the prodigy."

Nathaniel stopped playing by now and both approached me. I offered my hand between the two. 

Nathaniel was the first to take it, he gently gave peck to the top of my hand. His hands were cold, causing a shiver to erupt down my spine.

As he released my hand Sebastian caught it effortlessly. His hands warm, causing an almost nauseous feeling in my stomach; though it excited me. He looked up at me as he kissed my hand for a moment too long. 

"You could say I'm a prodigy in my own way." He spoke lowly with a wink.

"The Winterbrooks will staying with us in sight of the party tomorrow, as well as the week proceeding - for I will be assisting in their acquirement of a property nearby." my mother stated, resting her hand on my back. "Why don't you go get dressed and join us in the East wing for breakfast, then you may introduce the boys to the staff and show them around the property?"

"Of course, Mother." I replied obediently.

With a generous smile I made my way back to my room to find an appropriate outfit; and to mentally prepare myself for the day.

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