Part 32

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3rd Person's POV

While Sean and Ellie are watching peacefully,

Dr Grig (AN: Let's just call Dr. Grigoryants, Grig for short) is in his office and so pissed.

He lost Ellie and the others. He was stressed because he loves Ellie like his own child. He cared for her until an accident happened.

The accident was one of Dr Grig's scientist spilled his red fluid that actually makes everything burn. It burned the wall and every one escaped.

At the other hand..

Andre: Were could those 3 be?

Andre felt worried since Ellie, Sean and Jason went missing. Andre left the group and went out to find the 3.

Andre walked around the snowy forest seeing animals around. He killed some bunnies but not deers and cooked them and of course ate them.

He stumble on a Highway. But it looks more like a graveyard for Cars. It was fully wreacked.

Andre: No useful stuffs here..

Andrre continued to walk but then he heard a growl. Not the Zombie growl, But a dog growl. He looked around o find the Dog but saw it was in the car next to him. He examined the Dog and noticed there were bites on it.

Andre: Dogs can turn?!

As the Dog hitted the window, He jumped to Andre once the window was broken into peices. The Dog was trying to bit Andre but Andre acted fast to get his knife and stabbed the Dog's neck. He looked back at where he came from to see a herd of Zombies.

Andre: Shit!

Andre tried to run but he felt a sharp pain in the leg. He looked down to see the Dog still Alive. He stabbed it again until it wasn't breathing anymore. But one of the Zombies took the advantage to pin him down.

Andre quickly felt weak and the zombie that was on top of him got the advantage to bit Andre and eat him. It was too late for Andre to move.


Ellie's POV

"Hey I'm gonna make Hot cocoa. Want some?"

Sean: Sure.

I got up and walked to the kitchen. I made hot cocoa in no time and went back at Sean. I gave him his' and sat down.

I shivered. Even if I'm drinking Hot cocoa and wearing a jacket it's still super cold >.<

I felt Sean scoot over to me and put his arm around me.

Sean: Let me warm you up.


Jason came walking down with a book in his hands and going to the kitchen. "Yo Jason"

Jason: yes?

When Jason looked at me and saw what Sean was doing, I saw Anger and jealousy in his eyes.

"Jealy much? He just put his arm around me 'cause I'm cold okay?"

Jason felt relaxed and sat next to Sean.

Jason: Adventure Time? Seriously?

Sean: Don't judge. You can't grow up that quick.

Later on...

We left the Cabin and set on. I don't know why we left it because Sean and Jason talked. When we stumbled back at the highway..

I stepped on something that made a squishy sound. I looked down and saw..


I stepped on Intestines.. Focking. Intestines..

Jason: Oh what the hell..?!

We examined the body and face. But it was really hard to make it out because half of his face was ripped off.

But then..

Sean: Wait.. Is that...?!



Hey Bichachos!

So no classes for today and it gave me time to update.

Yesterday on September 18, My head hurts like someone was pinching my brain..

I even cried because it really hurts.. But my Grandmother put Vicks on my head and massaged it. I took a tablet and slept.

Dad told me to take a shower because my body probably got shocked because of the coldness and the heat.

Yesterday at school, It was cold. But then it turned to afternoon at school.. It turned hot.

So that's maybe the reason why my head hurted.

But anyways,

Comment ^^

Vote ^^

Lot's of love and Kisses! :*



TWITTER: @JashaChenes123

IG: AshleyBerroya14 (or Ashleyberroya14)

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