Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Katie’s POV

Just when I was making up my mind to just kiss him already, Connor called us back to the infirmary. Athena was right there and she was dressed in her casual clothes and had her hair down. I bowed and said “lady Athena, I don’t mean to be rude or anything but, is there anything you can do to help Bells?” She looked grim and said “No, not me. But if you manage to solve my riddle and prove your wisdom you may be able to.” “And I sure hope you do…” she added in a whisper.

“What is the riddle, mother?” asked Annabeth. “The riddle is:

                        The one who’s down and weak,

                        And cant be cured with but one thing

                        For she has the blood of my enemy

                        And is related to the morphing king”


                        Oh she’ll find her power

                        When she expects the least

                        To succeed she must not cower

                        In a quest that will end in feast.


            With that Athena turned and left the infirmary, puffing out of sight. You can practically see the wires turning in Annabeth’s head. “The one who is down and weak clearly refers to Bells.” Said Connor. “Who does Athena hate?” I asked. Annabeth laughed slightly “Apart from Percy?”

            “Well why can’t it be Percy, though? She does hate him even more than his father.” Said Travis. “Maybe she’s related to Percy and whoever the morphing king is…” “What about Frank?” I asked. “He can morph into animals…” “And Frank has the blood of Neptune … It all leads up to Poseidon. I say we give it a try, what’s the worst that can happen?”

            “What do you suggest? We throw water at her?” asked Connor. “Why not?” With that we set off towards the beach to get a bucket of sea water to throw on her face. None of us said anything about the last verse. We knew we had to talk about it later though.

            By the time we got back, she was almost ghostly looking, that’s how pale she was. It was really saddening to see that. Connor had the bucket in his hands and was standing awkwardly beside Bells. “Should I, uh, pour it on her face, or just like dump it?” he asked. I grabbed the bucket from him and said, “Ill do it Connor.” She tilted the bucket slightly so a small river of water washed down her face.

            Bells didn’t react. She didn’t move or flinch. Just when we thought the water idea was stupid and a waste of time, she appeared to be breathing slightly. Annabeth passed her a bottle of nectar for her to sip and held it by her mouth.

            After some time, Bells had sat up and we were explaining what had happened. Even though we left out the part of Athena coming and all about the prophecy. Now was not the time…


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