~Chapter 1~

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I open my eyes.  It was my first day at a new school.  I was so happy my family let me switch after what happened at my other school.  I hope people will like me there.

I head out, my parents were the ones that sent me out to France so I lived alone.  I finally arrived at school.  I was looking at the outside of the school when I hit somebody.  "Oh no, I'm so sorry," I say.

"It's fine," a blonde boy says offering his hand, "Are you new?"

"Yeah, I am," I say as I'm about to grab his hand, I feel my hand slapped away.

"Don't you dare touch Adrikins," a blond girl says.

"Oh my bad," I say politely getting up on my own.  I didn't want to cause any trouble. 

What was it about this girl, she seemed special Adrien thought.

I get up walking into the building.  I didn't know where to go when I see two girls, one with blue hair and another with red-brownish hair.  I walk up to them.  "Do you guys know where this class is," I ask them showing them my paper.

"Yeah, of course, we're going there right now, you can walk with us," the blue-haired girl says.

"May I ask your names?" I ask, "Mine is y/n."

"Mine is Marinette and this is my friend Alya," she says.

"Nice to meet you," I say.

"Same, let's be good friends," Alya says.

We enter the class and I go to the teacher.  "Hi, I'm the new student," I say.

"Ah yes, nice to meet you," the teacher says.  "Okay everybody please take your seats, we have a new student, this is y/n please be nice to her, uh y/n you can take the empty seat right there," she says and points.

I walk to see an empty seat next to a red-headed boy.  Aww, he's kinda cute.  "Hi nice to meet you, let's be good friends," I say to him.

"Yeah, of course, I'm Nathaniel," he says blushing a little.

I can't wait to see how this school year turns out!

Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't want anything biggish to happen yet. I just wanted this to introduce characters.

Just an Average Girl (Nathaniel x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now