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My mother and I have always been good at socialzing with our neighbours all except... THE MIN FAMILY
Why? They are wealthy people, closed and hateful. They're a family of five.
Ms Min, Mr Min, their eldest son Min Yoongi, their middle child Jimin and finally there youngest Junkook.
They've been living next door from us for years yet we don't even say a word to each other. How do I know this much about them? The reason has a name , Min yoongi
he's like a prince. A very, very hot prince. It's a shame he doesn't go to my school but I've designed a timetable to see him. He's something I need, I want, but I don't know what it is. He became my obsession.
I've began to have feelings for him at such a young age as 8. As I watched him play soccer from my window.
I think he has never noticed me, so far we only exchanged glances and yes, that's pretty sad.
As I got home from my part- time job I entered my room and patted my dog Minnie.
I walked over to my window with the intention of looking at the sunset was so beautiful.
It was a mix between red and orange and rose gold. My room is on the second floor, so I have amazing views.
By "amazing" I don't just mean beautiful sunsets but I can see their house through my window, more specifically I can see Yoongi's room through my window. As I opened it to my surprise I see jimin sitting on his backyard. He has a book in is hand, reading it quite quickly. He is wearing a white t- shirt and ripped jeans. He stoped reading and looked straight at me.
Oh what should I do? Should I say hi , of course he's your future bother in law!
"Good evening".
He suddenly stood up knowing that he wasn't in his best looking state.
"Oh hi".
" I'm Rosé your neighb-
"I know who you are we've been neighbors for years". He said while smiling kindly.
" Of course"...
"Sorry I got to go" he beings to turn around, but then stops.
" Oh thanks for giving us your wifi password, and share your internet. We're going to be without internet for a while, your very kind".
I frowned my eyebrows in confusion.
"Share my internet? What are you talking about"?
" Your sharing your internet with us, that's why I'm here trying to get better signal". He said with a small smile.
"What, but I didn't give anyone the password"!
He looked at me confused.
"Yoongi told me you gave it to him".
My heart started beating faster, after hearing his name.
" I've never spoken to him"!
Trust me it would be in my dairy, if I did.
" Really I'm sorry, I was confused. He told me that he did that's why I'm here". He said while shrugging.
" Oh no don't worry it's not your fault". I said it while smiling.
" But then who gave you the password?"
" I, i don't know"
As Jimin was about to say something I heard his mum call his name from the kitchen.
"Oh I'm sorry I need to go." And just like that he left.
I close my window.
How the hell did he get my password? He was the only one who's not allowed to see it.
My blood flows through my veins as I remember my stupid password.
"Rosé , dinner is ready" my mum called from the kitchen.
I have to find out how he got it.

Time skip:
Loud music wakes me up from my beautiful dream,irritated I stood up and walked over to the clock.
I stood up and walked to my window like a zombie. Then, I froze on the spot.
It was him, sitting in that chair. This time it wasn't Jimin. My started to beat so fast it was about to jump out to my heart
Like a lion diving for its pray, when I realised that was yoongi.
I started at him, while he was on his computer typing away while biting his lower lip.
Oh my god he was so hot.
He then stoped typing. He lifts his gaze as he sees me. Those beautiful brown eyes met mine, I felt my cheeks burning but I couldn't look away.
"Do you need something"? His voice was cold and emotionless.
I tried to find the words but they wouldn't come out, I swallowed hard fighting my voice.
" I.. hi"
He doesn't answer, he stares at me confused. Which made me even more nervous.
" your music woke me up." I looked quite calm on the inside but really I was freaking out.
My hole body was shaking, thank god he didn't see that, my brain kept shouting, I'm talking to Yoongi, I repeat I'M TALKING TO YOONGI!!! I need to clam down, breathe I told myself.
" I you have a good ear." He said as he turned back to what he was doing.
Seriously That's All? No Apologies For Waking Me Up?
He started at type but, I didn't move. I just stood there.
"What do you what?" He said in an annoyed tone.
"I want to talk to you". I said trying to gather up all courage.
He raised his eyebrow.
" Are you using my Wifi?"
"Without my consent"?
" Yes"
"You know, you shouldn't do that."
"I know".
He shrugs his shoulders, showing how much he cares.
"How did you even get my password?"
"I have good computer skills".
"Are you saying you got it illegally"?!!
"Yep, I hack your computer". He says casually.
My eyes were opened wide. It looks like I was saw a ghost.
"You said it as if it's something normal"!!
"Honesty it's one of my virtues".
"Your such an"......
He looked at me waiting for the insult, but his gaze affected me is an unexplainable way.
"You're an idiot". I said out last.
His lips curved into a smile.
"Woah.... that really hurts, what an insult! I thought that you'll be more creative after finding out your password"!
I felt my checks but, shit he knows my password stupid password.
"No one was supposed to know it".
He close his laptop, all his attention we on me.
"I know many things about you Rosé that I should've known".
Hearing him say my name sends butterflies through my stomach.
"Y-yeah like what".
"Mmmm" he said in a deep voice.
"I don't think you want to know".
My daw drops , what the hell does he know?
"Any- anyway, stop using my Wifi and making noise".
He stood up form his chair. "Or what"?
"Or..... or, I'll sue you".
He starts laughing, his laugh was hoarse and sexy.
"Aww are you going to sue my with your mummy"?
He said, as he mocks in a feminine tone.
"Yes or with your's". I said confidently.
He's hands when through his hair.
"I'll keep using it and you can't do anything about it."
My grip tightened. He is unbearable yet he's soo beautiful in the moonlight.
"If you have nothing else to say, I'll return to what I was doing, it's something important ".
He turns around, sitting back on his chair typing away.
I kept staring at him like an idiot, was it because I was really mad or was I mesmerised by his beauty in the moonlight.
A cold breeze gently brushed my skin as I walked back to my room, closing my window.
I was lying down on my bed when I get a text message form my phone.
I grabbed it and looked who it's from.
It was form an unknown number?
My eyes grew with shock.

Now that's how I like it . Quiet and obedient.
Goodnight loser.

I growl in frustration. Who is he to call me a loser and how the hell does he have my phone number?

Well that's it for now I hope you guys would enjoy this.
I purple you 💜💜💜

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