Chapter 4

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Ok gotta warn this chapter is gonna include some stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but it's not gonna be too bad.
Please enjoy. Btw this is my first ever book so I really hope you will enjoy it.( know shit goes down when they play house of cards). Ok now enjoy the book.

"A price"? I asked curiously.
" Yeah". He says while talking a step forward.
" That you let me kiss were ever I want". A smile appears over his lips.
I feel my cheeks burn and my eyes open in shock.
" T-that's a high price..... don't you think so"?
"Are you scared"?
"No....." Yes, I'm terrified.
"Lair". He said while biting his lip.
I swallowed nervously.
He talked another step.. CLOSER.
" Well I guess you will have to walk on your own". He whispered in my ear.
I pushed will all my strength.... he just smiled, then started to walk away slowly.
Oh no, what am I gonna do? I can't walk out here ......alone, at night in short shorts.
" Wait".
He turns around, again with that famous smirk.
" Fine........"
"I'm sorry what did you say"?
"I said fine!" I said irritated
I felt a sudden push, the next second I realised his hands were all over my waist.
I stoped breathing.
I swallowed hard.
He cupped my face while rubbing his thumb on my lower lip.
I closed my eyes as I feel his warmth getting closer as he leans over.
I felt his warm,plumped lips touch mine.
The kiss was slow and passionate.
I want this to last forever. I don't want this to stop.
I could feel my lungs begging for air, feeling like it's a drug I must have.
I slowly pushed him away due to the lack of oxygen.
Catching our breaths I realised how close we were standing.
"You liked that didn't you"?
I stayed silent knowing this was one of his little games.
Thinking, of what I should say.
" No..... I expect better".
" To be honest with you I'm quite disappointed".
His reaction was priceless.
Standing there dumbfounded.
Mouth wide opened. It was like that was the biggest insult he ever heard.
I stood there smiling to myself waiting for him to say something.
Knowing that whatever this little game of his is I won this round.
One/ nil Yoongi.
But as I was getting my hopes up, he suddenly recovered.
Oh no.... we're back to square one.
He grabbed me aggressively against the wall while trapping me with his arms....... again.
I felt my fingertips slightly shake as it was spreading throughout my body.
I didn't dare to look up. I already knew he was giving me a seductive gaze.
It was so strong, I felt it go right through me.
Feeling his body getting closer to mine I tried to push myself as far as I can towards the wall.
Knowing that this would not end good. I closed my eyes and let him do whatever he wants after all
He's the one who's walking we home.
I felt him attacking my neck non stop.
Kissing it, biting it , touching it.
Knowing this wasn't going to end soon, I might as well enjoy it.
I tried to tell him to stop but it was harder than I though. He didn't listen.
Instead he kept going harder each time.
"P..please".... I couldn't finish the sentence because he bit my neck so hard that I let out a low scream.
Which wasn't a good idea because it turned him on.... EVEN MORE!
After what felt like an hour, I finally had enough strength tho push him off.
I wiped my neck.
He saw just staring at the wall.
"Let's go". He said like nothing happened.
Did this even mean anything to him?
To be honest I was quite hurt, I didn't expect him to react like nothing happened.
Just thinking about it makes me sad and angry.
Does he really not care? Does he hate me? Does he know what love is?
I stayed a couple of feat behind him. I didn't want to do anything with him right now even looking at him made me sick.
When we arrived at my house he didn't do anything. He just kept walking.
To my surprise he stoped walking. Mumbled to something that sounded like "good night" and then kept walking.
Furiously, I walked inside my house ignoring everything went straight to my room.

Time skip: tomorrow
But you will find out about it next chapter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)But I'm the mean time I hoped you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took long I had so many exams. Anyway next chapter will be more of a bop I promise you k... bye

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