Chapter 2

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Hopefully this book will get more reads to atleast were it was last time. But im happy with what I got so without further a due lets begin.


It was 7 AM in the morning,but it felt like 1 Am. It's like I have jet lag in this outrageous place.I decided to calm my nerves by taking a bath. A lot has happened in the past day and escaping this place is completely futile. I wonder were my bloody iPhone is. I am in dire need of some music. I really want to listen THE 1975 or 5 seconds of summer. I slowly got out of the bath walking to my bed to see a dreadful pink night gown.

"What is this,the 16th century?"I spoke.

I picked it up with disdain and out came a note reading.


Sophie, is giving you a tour of the house tomorrow night. I wish I could,but I have work to do.

Love Oliver.

"Great a tour of my prison, just what I need!"I said sarcastically, slipping on my girly gown. I lay in my oversized bed and drifted to sleep.


I woke up in my cell to the door wide open.

"Arden."A unfamiliar deep voice said.

I walked out my room and was greeted with a long hall with a dark figure beckoning me to come closer. I was so drawn by it I walked closer and closer to it. Each step I could see it clearer and clearer. The sight beautiful, dark curly hair with deep green eyes met me.

" Who are you?"I blurted.

"Some call me asshole or evil bastard but my name is Miguel mio amore."Miguel said taking my hand and kissing it tenderly.

"You're funny."I laughed . His humor is hot.

And doesn't "amore" mean love!

"Thank you, we will meet soon bello."Miguel smirked. He slowly disappeared leaving me alone.

"Wait!"I yelled.


" Arden, wake up I've made you breakfast! "Sophie yelled. Damn it that was a dream."What's wrong are you feeling bad?"Sophie said with concern.

"No, I'm fine." I said while sitting up.

"Good because this place is huge, so I need you to be in good shape to walk with me."Sophie said while handing me a plate of toast, and eggs with a cup of tea.

"Thank you."I smiled and began to eat like a wild bore.

"No problem, I'll be back in a hour, be dressed before I come back."She said while walking out of the room.

A hour later.

I finished my food and put on the things Oliver bought me. A batman shirt, with ripped true religion skinny jeans and some black vans. I had no makeup but on the bright side I still had my hair tie. I tied my hair in to a big messy bun. For a girl with out make up I look kind of ok.

I heard a knock on the door and in came Sophie with a black dress and white apron on.

"Are you ready?"She smiled.

"Yeah."I yawned. We walked out of my room and again I was met with the same hallway in my dream. The hall walls were black color with old paintings of guys in frilly 10th-17th century clothes, and every few feet there was a small alter with a greek like statue or vase and every few seconds you would see a door to only God knows what. The halls were too long for my taste. The floors had dark wooden tile and a long black or red rug. As we were walking Sophie was to into talking about the place to hear Miguel calling my name. I heard his voice coming from the left hall and I silently slipped away from Sophie. My heart quicken but I kept walking and every five yards there was a white roses leading me to him. I picked them up till finally a came a room with a big black door. The last rose was a deep red color almost loocked drenched in blood.

"Come to me amore."I heard Miguel say on the other end of the door.

I slowly reached for the door knob and opened the door. He wasn't in there but it was a red wrapped present for me, I felt discomfort towards the room, it felt like I was being watched.

"Go ahead, it will not bite you."Miguel said with a dry chuckle.I whirled around in shock and there he was...Miguel.


I heard that Oliver had found his mate or should I say stole his mate. I plan on stealing her from him just so he can die alone in this cruel world. And it's helps that she smoken hot, I could do all kinds of things to her but first things first (I'm the realest.) I have to get Arden to come to me. Sneaking into her dreams wasn't the hardest part but meeting her was just horrible. I had to keep myself from jumping on her and drinking that tangy blood and f---ing her at the same time. When I saw her bend down to get the gift my undead heart almost started beating.

"Go ahead it will not bite you."I chuckled but when she whirled around I got a nice width of her intoxicating scent I nearly fainted it smelt so damn good. Her lips parted in a nice O. I wouldn't mind feeling her mouth with my...friend. Damn I haven't been this horny since I was a teen and that was 1000s of years ago.

"Miguel?" Arden said. Her voice reminded me of silk. This woman no Goddess is my mate!

"The one and only."I smirked."Open your gift,belo." I watched her eagerly as she opened the gift. She pulled out the key.

"A key? "She said confused.

"Yes, a key to your room."I smiled at her as she looked at the key, I took that as a chance to get closer to her.

"Thank you!" Her face brightened up."Wait what do you want in return?" Arden questioned me with one eyebrow higher than the other.

"Kiss me."I blurted. Ardens face turned red but then I saw a mischievous smiled spread across her face.

"Okay."Arden said and took my hand pressing her full lips gently on my hand.It was only for a few seconds but it felt like heaven. "You didn't say were."She smirked.

"You're cunning little thing, aren't you?"I laughed. She just through me another sexy smirk.

"Arden! " Sophie called.

"Aw shoot, I got to go!" Arden gasped, sped out of the room before I could say another word.At first I just wanted to kill her so Oliver will be miserable but now I find myself in love with her. This can not be right, every vampire has 1 mate that is never the same as any other.


"Where were you?"Sophie yelled frantically.

"I just got distracted by a painting." I lied while sliding the key in my back pocket.

"You scared me! Ma- Oliver would kill me if I let you leave."Sophie said while putting a hand on her heart. A part of me felt bad for leaving Sophie here.

"As if! This place is like a maze,I couldn't even escape if I wanted to." Which I do.

"Still don't just wonder off like that!"Sophie scolded me!

"Don't worry, I won't. "I laughed. Sophie showed me around and told me the history of the mansion. As the family grew so did the mansion. Most of the family are scattered all over the world or dead.

"Sophie, why do we stay up during the night and sleep through the day? "I asked confused.

"Are you hungry?"Sophie said ignoring my question. This troubled me, she would always ignore my important questions.

"Yeah."I said disgruntled by her rudeness. We never got finished with the tour but thats ok I'll make a tour of my own tonight or should I say tonight.


Hoped you liked it! Plz vote and comment!

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