Just a friend

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Damian POV

Jinx grabbed my hand and we stop running, it's still dark out and I'm wondering where they took nightwing and batman is they robbed a bank.

After a while running I realized we were on the main street with all the stores

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I'm hungry? Is that so wrong?" She looks at me confused.

"No that's not the problem, it's not that normal to go in these... outfits." I look at her up and down and smile.

"Ugh obviously i know that, i know a place." she turns around and pulls me down the alley and we go down these dark stairs to a steel door labeled on top "storage".

She takes something out of her leg holder and cuts off my R on my shirt and pulls my cape to cover the yellow so its all black she also flipped the buttons, now removing all yellow from my suit. And then messing up my hair.

"Good now hopefully no one will recognize you." She looks at me and smiles.

"Why would no one wanna know me." I question confidently.

She then pulls and stool from the corner and puts her eye in some kind of eye scanner.

"Because you'll die then." she smiled, though with her i think she never really joking.

"Ok here we go." she looks at the ground and almost like a reaction a put my hand out and she stares at me for a second, but grabs it and help her down.

"Anyway, lets go." she says, still holding my hand.

The door automatically opens and we walk into another room with a door there too and a guy standing guard.

"Oh Jinx, where's the king today?" He looks down to her.

"No Mista J today, just a friend." then she hold up my hand.

"You know we don't just let anyone in her Jinx." He gets his phone out.

"Okay, I'll just go ahead and tell Mista J that we had a problem coming." She says nonchalant while shrugging her shoulders and turning around. Still holding my hand.

"No no of course not, I was just about to say you can come in. Anything for the kings sidekick." He then dials something on the phone and puts it to his ear.

"Open up." He looks at us and nods.

We walk in and she turns around and says

"I'm not a side kick." we walk and the door shuts close behind us.


"Don't look so shocked birdy" Jinx grabs my arms and leads up to a booth.

The room is huge, there's a bar, a stage, food and I know more than half of these villains have serious committed serious crimes.

"A bug will fly in." I hear from in front of me.

"Excuse me?" i look at her and raised my eyebrow.

"If you keep ya mouth open like that a bug would fly in, what's the big deal never seen a club full of villains?" She says sarcastically and laughs, while pressing some button on the wall.

"If Batman knew about this he'd freak." she grabs my hand from across the table.

"But you ain't gonna tell him, right? That's why I brought you here. Plus half of these villains aren't even in your league. See, the club is owned by penguin but he doesn't come much often and his enemies don't really swing by friendly." She gives me a if you know what i mean look.

"Enemies, i thought penguin had allies." I ask noticing the waiter coming towards us. Looking very familiar.

"What can i get you."

We order and she starts talking as soon as he leaves.

"Well apparently two-face said that penguin stole something from him, and i just assumed it was money but when i heard D- i mean joker talking to harley the other day it was some weapon." I'll just ignore whatever mess up hat was. Of course she has secrets, she on jokers team.

"And so who's enemies then." I question.

"Everyone except joker, they buy the clubs and things from him. Since he doesn't care about the money, more of the game." she looks down and the waiter comes and gives us our food.

"So joker's big and bad around here, that's funny since everything is a joke." She looks up and i take a bite.

"I mean not everything's a joke." I hear him mumble.

"What?" I look up.

"Nothing nothing, i was just making a joke haha." She laughs and looks down.

"Jinx!" our heads snap up to the sound.

Some guy comes up to us he looks maybe a few years older maybe 18 or 19, he (like most people in this room) was wearing a mask

"Jinx, been a while, where's the jokester?"


So I'm ending it here as the cliffhanger because I don't know if i should continue because i don't think that people are reading it, if it getting more then i'll start again but let me know if i should continue i wanted to bring in a new character that'll make things more fun but just lmk :)

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