Assassins of Eden

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“ Are you going to be in training today?”

I turned around, bottle in hand. “ Of course. I've never missed one. Why do you ask?”

Kadar grinned looking up at the sky. “ Well...its already started...”

“ No. Al Mualim said practice isn't until 6.”

“Nevara, it's six right now.” Kadar's grin never faded, but he still bit back laughter.

“ At night smart one.” I shook my head and continued stacking bottles in the right shelves. He was silent for a moment and then he slammed his hand on the counter. I nearly dropped one of the viles. I stood up and glared at him. He glanced down at the paper beneath his fingers.

I gripped the edge of the rough paper and pulled it out from under his palm. I skimmed over the words. Oh no.

I threw my extra robes onto the hook in the corner.

My father ran out upon hearing a crash or two. “ What are you doing?”

“ I'm late. I'll be back soon.” I breathed and vaulted myself over the counter. Civilians gasped but I just pushed by them.

I grabbed the first horse I could see and raced off to Masyaf. Kadar managed to catch up to me when I jumped off past the gates. The guards watched mt every step after.

“ Why are you late?” Abbas caught me at the gate of the Assassins tower.

“ Don't worry about it.” I tried to smile, squeezing myself by.

“ You're lucky Altair is late too.” Abbas laughed letting me pass by.

“ Yeah...luck.” I sprinted to the arena.

I threw on one of my older robes that my friend tossed at me.

“ So you decided to join us?” Malik teased.

“ I don't want to talk Al-Sayf.” I crossed my arms as I stood next to him.

“ Malik...Nevara...” Kadar huffed out as he finally got behind us.

“ What?” We asked in unison.

“ Stop fighting, or get a room please.” Kadar grinned that heart melting smile.

Malik and I looked at each other disgusted and then back to Kadar. Someone grabbed my sleeve and I whipped around flipping them onto the ground and ended up straddling them with my blade at their throat. It was one of the master combat Assassin's. Or my combat teacher that looked rather taken aback.

His cheeks turned red under his teak skin. “ You see class, Nevara just demonstrated what to do when taken by surprise.”

I quickly got up and brushed my robes off. I turned back and hid next to Kadar.

“ Now would anyone else like to try?” He grabbed my arm and tugged me into the ring. I pulled my hood down my face more. This is not what I planned on doing today. “Really? No one? Are you guys intimidated or being difficult? We just did this, and everyone was participating.”


“ I'll try.” One of the meaty students stepped over the fence. He towered over me.

“ Thank you Joji. Now, Nevara is going to sneak up on Joji, and he must defend himself accordingly. This training will help you fend off 'stalkers'.”

Joji had his back turned to me. I waited for a few moments. Just to add to his suspense. I slowly made my way towards him. The students looked between us, silently warning. I grabbed his shoulders and then ducked. He swung his tree stump of a leg over and I crawled underneath. I jumped onto his back and brought out a hidden knife infront of his face. He panicked and started hopping on each foot. I held onto his neck, dropping the knife. He grabbed my arm trying to pry me off. I held on as he bucked like a bull. I bit my lip and finally let go. He bent down with his hands on his knees as I brought my calloused fingers to my lip. Blood seeped into the ridges.

The students stared at the scene then looked at the teacher.

“ Well that was a bit more extreme than what you are going to have to deal with. Lets try with an easier opponent...” The instructor said.

I quickly got up and hopped the gate, standing next to Kadar.

“ Show off.” Malik muttered.

“ Quiet Al-Sayf. You didn't even volunteer.” I spat back. I tried rubbing my back to ease the pain.

“ Come on. She did great brother.” Kadar looked around me at Malik. I smirked raising an eyebrow.

Malik paused, looking at me, a slight grin began to form on his face, then realized for how long, he said, “ You've got something on your lip.”

I brought my hand back up to my face. Blood covered it yet again. “ Thanks.” I grabbed a piece of cloth out of a bag. I pressed it to my mouth and watched students continue the lesson.

The last two assassins walked out of the arena groaning and the instructor got out his notes. “ Our last two are Malik and Altair.”

I smirked, “ Good luck amico.”

“ Keep your Italian to yourself.” He walked forward without even looking at me.

“ Altair?” The instructor called again.

I heard a whooshing sound, and turned around slowly, watching as Altair fell in the haystack with a slight rustle. He hopped out and glanced at me quickly. I nodded my head once and turned around. He pushed his way through and I could no longer see him.

“ This is the second lesson in a row. He's lucky he's good.” The instructor muttered looking at the gate.

“ Coward.” Malik spat.

Then as if on que Altair jumped from out of the crowd onto Malik's back, pressing his hidden blade to his throat. Malik thrashed around, throwing Altair to the ground. Sand kicked up with the wind and they were concealed.

When it settled, Malik had pinned Altair's robes to the wood with his throwing knives. He was heading towards him with his blade out but Altair ripped himself and dodged the attack.

My instructor tapped me on the shoulder. “ Hey do you think you could fix up some of the novices? Or do you need another throwing knife lesson?”

“ I'll do it.” I said not looking away. They pulled out their swords. This was not intended...

“ Do what? Clean up or lesson?” He asked not realizing what was going on in the arena.

“ Are they supposed to be doing that?” Kadar asked.

The instructor looked up. “ No! Damn it! Stop!”

They didn't hear.

I started running and pushing my way through the crowd and heard Kadar follow after.

Altair and Malik stared each other down and began to walk, then hurry their pace.

“ Stop!” I stood ontop of the fence, then tackled Altair down. He fell, dropping his sword to the ground ten feet away.

Kadar tried to do the same to Malik but just brushed past him. Malik came forward, sprinting with his sword up. I rolled on my side, and ended up grabbing an empty sheath.

Kadar slid on the ground, knocking his brother over. His sword came flying inbetween Altair and I, right where my head was.

I sat up trying to catch my breathe. I glanced at Altair, who was already up and extending a hand to me.

Our instructor ran in and addressed the class. “ These are illegal moves that will get you in trouble at the moment. Wrong timing boys.” He glared at Altair and Malik. Then went back to lecturing the class.

I took Altair's hand and stood up. I brushed the dirt off my robes and he did the same. “ Are you okay?”

“ Yes.” He answered and paused. “ Thanks. I probably would've kept going.”

“ Well at least now you guys'll never be paired up again.”

“ I hope so.” He rubbed his eyes with his thumb and middle finger.

We walked over to Kadar and Malik.

“ Out of your system?” I asked.

Malik didn't respond. Instead he tromped of into the den holding his hand over his mouth and nose.  

Assassins of EdenWhere stories live. Discover now