The Beginning

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I put my hood up and checked my blade. “Well I have to go. Good luck with Robert.”

“ That's easy. Good luck with Al Mualim.” Maria smiled wryly. We parted our separate ways.

Having the power to move with years of training and precision is so invigorating. I jump from ledge to ledge on each roof until I reached the city gate. I hopped on one of the horses at the stable and made my way to Masyaf.

The usual crowd of people stared or made their quick comments as I made my way up the stairs. They scoff at my rank and gender.

Al Mualim turned around as I stood next to my 'brothers'.

“Ah so you decided to join us?” Al Mualim remarked.

I nodded.

“ Now, you two.” He referred to Altair and Malik, “This is a mission, more important than any other. I want you to...”

I couldn't listen, as I was paying attention to my sudden flash of eagle vision. There was something glowing on the shelf behind his desk. I've never seen anything like it before. Was it always there? I was drawn to it. It was pulling me to it. Whatever it may be. I clenched my fist.

“Nevara?” Al Mualim's voice had a hint of irritation in it. Which is a contrast to his usual calm demeanor. He almost never talks to his favored assassins or myself in that tone. “Are you with us now?”

“Yes sir.” I nodded once.

He filled me in about my current contract.

“You're all free. Don't disappoint me.” Al Mualim stared out the window with his back to us. We hurried out and down the hill into the town we protect. People either looked shocked or smiled at our appearance. A child ran in front of me and her mother followed soon after, and tugged her away.

“I'm so sorry.” She breathed holding her child close.

“It's fine.” I tried to smile as I turned to catch up to the others.

“Wait up!” A voice screamed from behind once we reached the city gates. We all turned in unison, despite knowing who it was.

“ You're late.” Malik was quick to comment.

“ I know! But you didn't wake me up.” Kadar huffed.

“ It's not my responsibility. You know that you should always rise early. You're lucky that you're here.”

“ Leave each other alone. I thought you were supposed to be the mature one Malik...”

“ It's a little hard when I have to work with three novices.” Malik stood in front of me.

I glared up at him with a sarcastic laugh, while I crossed my arms over my chest. “Novice? That's why I'm a higher rank, and more credibility in a shorter amount of time? You're funny Al-Sayf.”

His jaw tightened and waited a moment, then he gave a sly, sarcastic smile. “ It must be for your talents...Well obviously not your assassin techniques anyway.”

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