Party Persuasion

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"Hey Curly, nice pajamas" Grayson says smirking.

"What could you possibly need." I say not amused.

"Well, you see my mom told me to drop this box of stuff off like a week ago. She leaves tomorrow for another trip and I would rather not get chewed out right before she leaves." Grayson said.

"Okay, well hand it over." I said with my arms out.

"Where's your mom? I haven't seen her in forever." He said while letting himself into my house.

Fun fact Grayson's mom Marcie and my mom Amy are best friends, and have been best friends since the third grade. When Grayson and I were born our parents just knew we were going to fall in love, and get married. Jokes on them right? The first time we met he was a spoiled brat, and still to this day I dislike him.

"Please come in.-" I said sarcastically, -" she is at the hospital working."

"How's yours?" I asked

"Rarely ever home, she's leaving for Italy tomorrow morning."

You're probably asking this question, how his mom made her fortune. Well when you hear the term daddies money that's Marcie. Her dad died when she was a sophomore in college and she inherited everything. Everything including his multi millions. 

"My mom told me to pick up some bathing suit that she is borrowing for her trip. Can you get it?" He asked rudely.

I walk upstairs  hand him the skimpy bathing suit my mom is lending Marcie, and Grayson'a eyes grow.

"What?" I asked quickly.

"You should trade out those pajamas for that bikini." He says grinning.

"Haha very funny, just imagine your mom in it." I say laughing. His grin was wiped off his face real fast.

"Gross." He says cringing.

"Really those pajamas... you really know what guys want." He says sarcastically while laughing.

"Please take this and leave." I said

"Oh come on I can stay if you want me too." He says and getting closer to me winks. 

"Ew, no I don't want any of your diseases." I push him away leading him to the door.

"Whatever, your loss. By the way having a huge party Friday night don't come. " He said.

"Don't miss me too much." I smile. 
The Next Morning

"Wake up Naomi it's almost noon, how much sleep could you possibly need?" I say.

"Geez I'm awake!" Naomi says half asleep. She's not a morning person.

"So Grayson came over last night..." I say knowing she will freak out, and assume things.

"WHAT? WHEN?"  She screams, not asleep anymore.

"About 20 minutes after you went to sleep. He had to come pick up some stuff for his mom." I say.

"Oh ,well I was hoping for a little more. If you know what I mean." she smirks

I start to make a puking sound and we both laugh.

"On a new note." I say happily.

"Grayson's having some big party at his house, and I'm not going, but I thought you might want to go."

"His parties are the best! Please come with me!" Naomi begs

"Absolutely not." I say

"Why? We get free drinks, good music, and you can beat Grayson at beer pong! You are the best at beeping." She screams.

"He literally told me not to come, not that I would listen to him. Even if I did go, I don't have anything to wear." I tell her.

"Then let's go shopping! We have plenty of time." She say happily.

"... Fine I will go, but only because I love you." Even if I hate Grayson, I'm still excited for the party.

Naomi lit up with joy when I agreed to go. We quickly put in some clothes and made our way to the mall to get outfits for the party.

As soon as we pulled up to the mall half of our high school was there probably doing the same thing as us, getting outfits for the party.

The first thing we did was get outfits. Naomi got a burgundy dress that looks great on her! I got a black long sleeved dress that was comfortable. Naomi loves to find new guy friends to giver her a chance to find the one. Me on the other hand I just go with the flow, I'm not trying to impress anybody.

Naomi and I were walking out of the mall not having to make any social interactions with anybody. As soon as we got to the door Brianna Anderson stopped us. Brianna Anderson is the basic rich girl, cheerleading captain major bitch. She talks so much crap that asshole has to get jealous all the crap coming out of her mouth.

"Look who we have here little wanna be one and two."  She looks at us with mean eyes.

"Ya we wanna be out of here, but your big ego wouldn't let us by." I say with sass.

"So I'm assuming you two are getting stuff for Gray's party?" She asks

Brianna Anderson and Grayson Lane when they aren't broken up are the "wanna be couple" of the high school.  I think they are like a disease, but that's just me.

"Yes, now can you let us by?" Naomi asks rudely.

"Whatever, you aren't worth my time. Oh and Dallas stay away from Grayson, we got back together this morning." She says giving me the death stare.

"Sure thing." I say as I walk away.

All I can think about is why is she threatened by me, Grayson and I can't stand each other.

"I wonder what happened to him and Sydney?" Asks Naomi.

"I don't know, but we need to get ready for the party." I tell her

Thank you for reading the second chapter! I hope you love reading it as much as I lived writing it. This chapter was a little boring, but next chapter is very juicy!

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