Rockstar Foxy x Reader

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"Wanna be the captain of my ship, laddie?"

3rd person POV

It was the same-old same-old at this job. Clock in, make sure the animatronics are working, eat pizza for breakfast, clean things here and there, do more things that weren't listed on the job requirements paper. You know, the usual for most shit paying day to day jobs. But some days weren't so bad. When the boss leaves early to get high or "run arends" your always the one left in charge. You always shut this place down early, send everyone home including your fellow coworkers (unless they want to stay) and hang out with the animatronics. They are pretty fun to be around, and they all have their own personalities. Rockstar Freddy is outgoing and really sweet, Rockstar Chica is super crazy and funny, Rockstar Bonnie is super laid-back and chill. He's like that one skater boy who your somehow friends with. And Rockstar Foxy is just... how do you put this... HES YOUR FAVORITE AND YOU FUCKING LOVE HIM TO PIECES!

Today was one of those days. It took almost an hour for everyone to leave then it was just you and the gang. Freddy, chica, and bonnie walked backstage to put up their musical instruments and Freddy's mic. Bonnie then walked over to you. "Hey A/N, got any plans for today?" He asked you while glancing at Pirates Cove then making a weird face. "Not really, but I was thinking that we could all take advantage of this opportunity to have a half day for once in a while." You said, rubbing the back of your neck. "If you get bored, just let me know and I can figure something out." You added in, in case he didn't want to do nothing today. "Nah, a half day sounds nice." Bonnie said then walked into the kitchen, starting to snack on a piece of pizza. You thought to yourself why Bonnie looked at Pirates Cove so weirdly, then you decided to check on it yourself. Foxy hasn't come out all morning so that could be the reason. Maybe he got a short wire overnight? You checked the stage, seeing that Freddy and Chica were deep in conversation, then walked over to pirates cove. "Foxy, you okay in there?" You asked, with no answer in return. You sighed, then pulled one of the curtains to the side and walked in. "Gyarrr... Give me a warning next time, you skallywag!" Foxy said, sitting with his legs spread open on his stage. You looked at him and realised why he said that. He was kind of... um... busy. Out of reflex you shielded that part out of your vision by sticking your hand out a little bit further than from where your standing. "I-IM SO SORRY FOXY!" You stuttered out kind of too loud, striking Freddy's attention. "You guys doing okay over there?" Freddy asked, yelling across the Pizzeria. "Yarg, we be fine matey!" Foxy chimed in, making sure Freddy doesn't jump to any conclusions.

Foxy then put his attention on you. "A/N, did you know that we had these?" Foxy said, keeping his voice down so the gang doesn't hear him. (In case they can from that far away) "What do you know by we? Bonnie and Freddy have dicks too!?" You scream whispered, matching with the same volume Foxy had just now. "I mean... I'm pretty sure we all do. But let's change the topic." He said, standing up and walking towards you, then putting your hand on his semi-hard dick.

"Wanna be the captain of my ship, laddie?" He asked, letting go of your hand. You blushed, not knowing what to do. You pulled him close and kissed him, then glanced at his bird. "So are they gonna watch us the whole time..?" You asked, then looked at Foxy's soft orange eyes. They look just like pools of honey. Once your jump in your just sinking slowly, but enjoying the time till your down. Foxy snapped his fingers then chucked. "Ye gettin' lost in me eyes?" Foxy asked, then started unbuttoning your shirt. You blushed, then remembered your question. You looked at his shoulder and his bird was gone... so you guessed he did hear you. When your shirt was off he put his hands on your love handles and slowly moved your hips side to side. You wrapped your hands around each wrist and his... hook thing or whatever and pulled them away, putting them on the rim of your pants.

"Yarrrg, so we're really doing this, eh?" He asked, trying to unbutton your paints but failed, for he only has one hand. "Ye see, I can't really unbutton ye pants for me other hand is replaced with a hook." Foxy said, out of frustration. You laughed at his patheticness then unbuttoned your own pants, then let Foxy do the rest. He picked you up bridal style, then placed you down on his stage. He then sat down around your legs, so he could take them off easier. He undid the zipper, then wrapped his hook around one of the belt loops and pulled your pants down, accidentally pulling your underwear down a bit. He looks up at you and smirks, showing his sharp golden and white teeth. "Not yet." You said, pulling your underwear back up. Foxy's ears lower to the back of his head a bit, then sprung back up. He hunched over you, using his one hand to hold him up and taking his hook to your chin, stroking it. "C'mon A/N... ye really dont wanna have some fun with this old lad?" Foxy asked, turning his hook to where its scratching your cheek. He wasn't forcing this onto you, and it wasn't rape. Then something in you clicked, and you needed him immediately. You needed him in you immediately.

"N-no more please..." You said, feeling the cold air hitting the fresh cut on your face. Foxy ignored you, now circling his hook around your nipple, making you moan out softly, and the hook sending goosebumps down your body. He chuckled at you, then trailed his hook from your tit to the space under your collar bones, carving "Foxy's" into your chest. Knew not to scream out in pain, so you sucked in the air through your teeth. Foxy stroked your face with his hook, then switched out his hand with his "hand replacement." You were silent as you watched him put his hand towards your cut, wiping away the blood that kept bleeding out. "Aw, I didn't mean to scare ye, lass." Foxy said, pulling his hand away from your chest and putting towards his face. "I just need ye to know that ye mines." He then licked your blood off his hands, then smirked that smirk of his. You looked down at his dick. It's not semi-hard any more... it's hard.

You decided to give in, and let him go at it... in you. You looked him in the eyes and started taking your F/C panties off. Foxy's smirk only got bigger as he lifted up your thighs, spreading them apart. He got in a more comfortable position that he could hit you from the front in and pulled you more towards him. "Yo-ho-ho! Looks like me just arrr-ived to second base!" Foxy said with glee, then inserted his tip.

□Author's note!□
Foxy's dick is almost like Freddy's, except a bit slimmer and a tad bit longer! So your fucking some big dicked bois here! Okay... continue reading...

You bit your lip, knowing if you moan it would attract everyone's attention. "Good girl..." Foxy said, in his thick pirate accent. Foxy started to some-what slowly thrust in and out, every time he thrusts in he adds more and more, making you want to express your pleasure, but all you can use is your face. You bite down on your bottom lip, tears running down your face. You put your arms out, separating your fingers hoping that foxy will hold your hands while he's fucking plowing down in you. He holds one of your hands, and with the other he says "I cant hold ye hand lass, but ye can hold mines." You took his hook into you hand and held it, being careful not to hold it wrong. Foxy started to thrust harder. Little moans and grunts were slipping out, plus you were biting your lip really hard. It felt really good though, and maybe you'll do this again soon. "Ye such a good girl..." Foxy said in a sweet voice. You couldn't take biting your lip anymore so you stopped. All you heard from where Freddy, Bonnie and Chica was was a faint gasp. Bonnie looked over to Freddy and gave him a weird look. This time Bonnie said somthing. "You guys are acting weird. What's going on?" Bonnie asked, yelling across the restaurant. Your heart was beating so fast. Are you gonna get caught? Foxy stopped thrusting into you, then saved you with a "Gyarr, no Bon Bon! I accidentally just scratched A/N with me hook, that's all." He then turned to you and looked you dead in the eye. With his hand he let go of yours. "Ye better get used to breatin' outta ye nose."Foxy whispered, and put his hand on top of your mouth. "Because I ain't bein' nice this time, lass." Your grip on Foxy's hook tightened as he fucked you faster than earlier, not showing any mercy. He was trying to hold in some of his grunts but some slipped through, they were small though. You felt like you were melting. He was completely tearing you apart with every thrust he did, and you didn't care. Eventually, Foxy's thrusts got weaker and sloppier and you've already came 3 times. Foxy came in you, then pulled out. "I must say, lass... you are gonna do this again with me." Foxy said, forgetting about his pirate accent mid-sentence. "I'd love to." You said. Foxy laid down beside you, spooning you. You took a deep breath in. He smelt nice and clean. You closed your eyes and fell asleep in his arms, on the cold concrete stage.

Freddy walked in to tell you that its closing time and as he opened the curtains he immediately shut them and walked away immediately, completely flushed at what he just saw. "What's wrong, Fred?" Bonnie asked, eating some pizza crust. "D-dont go back there..." Freddy warned, then sat down trying to forget what he just saw.

Word count: 1787


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