So What Had Happend Was...

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Normally I take this day to shout out an awesome member of our club who is 

*Active( On the club, Wattpad, or even updating their books)

and that is only my real criteria for our club! Post something to show you are alive and still kicking because alot of our new members have kinda fallen off. 

I would post my book (but I am going through serious revision lol)

So this week my only request is all those still a part of the bookclub (even if you just like to read and not post or comment) 

Comment below and let me know you are alive so I can keep updating our wonderful book club! Just a simple YES! I AM ALIVE will do wonders for me so I know where to start off next

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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