"I'm a bit Claustrophobic."

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Chapter one:

The heat could not be any hotter. Down here in Stockton, I guess it’s not a surprise. Worst thing about summer here in Stockton. It feels like being in a stove for five whole hours, and when entering the car, the heat hits you, and you may never breathe again. Sighing, I moved my dark, onyx locks behind my ears. Shifting upwards, I carried the last grocery bag inside. 

Taking my items from the assorted bags, I quickly kissed my father and ran upstairs before being told to put the rest of the food away. Opening the windows, I let some of the small breeze enter and turned the fan on high. I lifted my right arm and looked at the time which told me that it was only half past five o’ clock. I took a cold water bottle from the mini fridge and wiped some sweat off of me. 

Suddenly, “Running in the Rain” by Hinder started to ring through my ears. If possible, my eyes widened in excitement and looked for my phone. Eyeing on the phone on the far end of my bed, I launched towards it like it was running from me. 

“He-Hello?” I panted.

“Umm…. You okay babe? Were you jogging? Or umm.. You know..?” Brayden’s husky voice flowed through the phone.

After processing what he was talking about, I turned like a cherry. The really red maraschino cherries. Responding back I said, “ NO! I mean I jumped for my phone.”

He chuckled and that was pretty much it. We kept talking for awhile till 12 am. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I knew I collapsed while talking to Brayden.


 “EMILY! BRAYDEN’S HERE!” Shrieked my mother.

Rampaging down the stairs, I gave my parents a kiss each, and I was out the door before they could say goodbye. Seeing Brayden’s PT cruiser, made me smile. I hadn’t seen him since Friday because he was out of town for the weekend. Hopping into the car, I put my seatbelt on and smiled at him. My hair was dangling in front of me, causing Brayden to chuckle and move my hair. Kissing my forehead, he started the engine. As he drove, he took my hand and held it on the way to school.

As soon as we got there, I already could see the group of students that crowded an area. I looked at Brayden, who just shrugged not knowing what else was going on. Draping his arm around me, Brayden led me to the crowded group. The closer we got the easier it was to see that there was a new girl. 

“Hmm… She’s cute. In a non-homo kind of way.” I thought.

As if she heard me, she turned and smiled at me. Stunned, yet not frozen, I noticed her turn to look at Brayden. She had a sense of gleam in her eye that made her look mischievous.

She walked up to me and put on a face that says “Look at me, I’m innocent!” and touched my hand. 

“Hi there, Can you help me? I’m a bit claustrophobic. I- I can’t breathe surrounded by these people.” She hyperventilated in front of Brayden and me. 

Looking at her, I started. But Brayden had interrupted before I could say anything. He said sure and removed his arm from my shoulder, instead grabbing onto the new girl. Baffled, I stood there gawking at the two. He left me! How dare he! Growling, I stomped to the lockers and sat down under my locker. Leaning my head back against the metal doors, I saw my best friend. 

“What’s got you being a Debbie Downer?” Valerie asked.

See, this is what I love about Val. She always has these weird phrases that cracks me up and gets me smiling. Last week, she told my dad he was being a Silly Stan. It was so weird and funny at the same time, considering we were in public and his name was not Stan. 

I smiled and told her, “It’s Monday. What else?” 

“That’s true. But then again, Monday glooms are the most terrible glooms of a life time!” She babbled on. 

After getting past the part where she referred to me as an alpaca in Color the Skies fair, I had enough and so did the school bell. Without saying anything, I dragged her to first period. 

“Buenos Dias Clase!” Señora Henson greeted. 

We, of course, replied back in Spanish. I had first period Spanish, so I was a bit off in her class, which of course I feel really guilty about considering I love Mrs. Henson. After dozing off a bit, I heard my name being called. I looked up and saw the new girl.

“Right there, Ms. Dowell, raise your hand please.” Señora Henson ordered me.

I rose my hand, and I saw the new girl approach the only empty seat next to me. I quickly removed my backpack from its original space. Sighing, I placed it on my chair.

During the lesson, I ignored the new girl most of the time. I don’t usually behave like this, but for this case, I will not befriend her since I am a bit skeptical about her.

“Excuse me.” I heard a whisper. I looked to my side, and notice the new girl talking to me.

“Yes?” I asked as politely as I could.

“Umm… could you tell him to stop talking to me?” She gestured to a guy next to her.

Marcus. Of course it would be him bugging her.

I nodded and said, “Yo, Marcus! Stop scratching your non-existent balls and quit bugging the new girl. Boy, don’t you dare give me that look and pull your draws up boy! No one wants to see that!” I shuddered.

A few classmates stared and laughed for a bit, and continued their cornell note taking. Luckily, Marcus wasn’t a man enough to talk back and ignored us.

The new girl tapped on my shoulder and I looked at her.

“ Yes?” I asked.

“Sorry, but I don’t know your name.” She whispered.

“Emilynne. But call me Emily.” I said looking at the powerpoint.

“Oh. Thanks Emily. I’m Eira. Eira Trenor.”

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