Chapter 2: His Crush

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The last thing I needed was the reigns my parents had on my neck to be tightened if I got in trouble. It was already impossible to do anything outside of studying, like watching television was limited to an hour a day and it has to be informative, like PBS or something else boring. Sometimes I would sneak watch a game, but most of the time I was monitored by Both or either of my parents. They wanted me to go to Harvard one day, even though that wasn't what I wanted, but I knew better than to disobey my parents. They would probably disown me.

Luckily my dad needed to pick up his order from Sears and I volunteered to go, but my parents said no unless I had supervision. They didn't want me to badly influenced by the people around me. So I begged Mei to come over and 'convince' them to let me go, which didn't take long because my parents love Mei. They were more than okay for her to go with me, but jokes on them because Mei was the bad influence. Secretly they wanted me and her to get together, along with her parents too, but we aren't each other's type, especially on Mei's part.

I saw Mei in the middle of Sephora dancing, badly with her headphones in. I wish I had that kind of confidence and if I did I probably wouldn't have embarrassed myself in front of all those people earlier. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. "Mei, I-"

She jumped and grabbed her chest as she turned around

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She jumped and grabbed her chest as she turned around. "Gosh Darnit, Johnny Bravo." Then pulled out one side of her headphones out her ear. I shook my head at her odd comment. "That's a weird thing to say." I headed towards the register with Mei as she went to purchase the couple items she found. "Well that's what happens when you scare people. You know I'm jumpy. Anyways what's up with your face, you look...different."

My heart started to race thinking about the incident from earlier. "Mei, I saw her again." I didn't know her name just yet, but I've seen her around school, her and her friends. We never hung out or been in the same cliques, but I definitely knew her face. "Who?" Mei asked grabbing her receipts and change.

"You know...her." The only other person that knows about my crush is Mei and how I have yet to introduce myself to her. "Oh, yeah. Did you finally talk her?" I nodded my head to Mei's satisfaction. "Tell me, tell me what happened? When's the wedding?" Mei clapped her hands and pulled us to a bench in the lounge area. "I was walking to find you after we had spoken."

"Okay, what else?" She leaned in closer to me and rested her head on the palm of her hand. "I decided to walk through the food court to get there faster and-" Then she interrupted me again and motioned her hands for me to hurry along to the more interesting part. "And what else." I shook my head, but went on with the story. "I was so determined to get over here I didn't notice she had walked into my line of vision and we bumped into each other. She fell on the ground." That moment had to be the most embarrassing moment of my life.

"Awe, a story to tell the kids. ' How did you and mom meet?' 'Oh, I just pushed your mom on the ground, cause I was so in love with her.'" She made kissy face and then started kissing her hand. I shoved her shoulder playfully. She laughed, then put her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. What else happened?"

"Well that's when everything went down hill. I ended up just staring at her and she called me out on it, then left after she threw a shoe at a lady who she meant to throw at this guy, whoever he was." I wish I could have did something beside stare at her, maybe I could have helped her up or said literally anything.

"So this guy could be her boyfriend?" Mei asked and I shrugged. I knew absolutely nothing about her, but I seem to have her in my head and dream everyday and night. "Awe, shucks big fellar, maybe if you would just talk to her, you would knew if she was single or not." This guy could be her boyfriend, or not. It's not like I knew her or anything. Whenever I saw her at school they were always around each other, along with the other guy and girl. They weren't affectionate towards each other, but maybe they weren't a lovey dovey couple. I really hoped not though.

"Talk to her then." My heart almost jumped out of my chest at Mei's suggestion. I was a mess around people in general, but now she wanted me to talk to the girl I have been crushing on since forever. That was NEVER going to happen willingly. "I can't." Honestly it sucked to be this shy, it's held me back from a lot in life. My parents were partly to blame, because they held me back or sheltered me from most everything.

"You can't or you won't, you wussy." Maybe both truthfully. I got up from my seat and Mei followed close behind. "I can't." She walked beside me with her arms crossed, probably disappointed in me. "Oh em gee. Fine I'll ask her out myself then."

"Yeah, okay. I'd like to see you try." I shook my head laughing, waiting for Mei to join me but she never did instead, she sighed and her face completely changed, she didn't look like the same Mei. "Axel, I need to tell you something." I started to get worried, because this seemed serious and she was barely ever serious.

"What?" She took a deep breath and begin talking. "I like gir-" she was cut off by me bumping into yet another person. "-Watch where you're going loser." The girl I bumped into said annoyed, she rolled her eyes and scoffed. I felt like I had two left feet, honestly I was a mess sometimes.

 I felt like I had two left feet, honestly I was a mess sometimes

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"S-s-sorry." I looked down to the floor, I was beyond embarrassed. I always stuttered around girls and I hated it, because it made me seem even more like a lame. She rolled her eyes again and walked by between Mei and I, probably figuring we weren't worth the effort. "Bitch." Mei whispered under her breath. "What did you say." The girl turned back around and I almost swallowed my tongue. I did not need Mei to get into a fight, then I would be even more restrained by my parents. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere even more than now.

"Nothing." I sighed a breath of relief, I lived to see another day outside the compounds of my house. "Thought so." The girl flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked away opposite direction of me and Mei. "I hate whores like that and what's up with the stuttering?" I face palmed myself remembering that, just for a moment I forgot. "I get that way around girls." Honestly I needed some confidence, the only time I'm around girls and other people is at school. So this was a reoccurring thing and don't get me started on when the teacher calls on me to answer a question, even when I know the right answer.

"But I'm a girl and you don't stutter around me." Mei asked and I laughed. "Because you're not a girl, you'" She pushed my shoulder hard but playfully. "Thanks good to know." Mei was like my older sister, there wasn't ever anything between us and won't ever be. We were better friends than anything else and I was cool with that. "It's not like that. We were basically raised together. You seen way more embarrassing things I went through."

"I get it now, thanks bud." She smiled and put her arm around my neck.

"No problem pal."

"Much obliged friend."
A/N: Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

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