Munchy Night

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          The night went on as the wind bellowed away in the cold as soft munching filled a dark and abandoned alleyway as multiple cars pulled up with the letters CPS on the side. The doors opened up as two males in white suits stepped out along with a woman in a grey suit, all of them carrying briefcases with different shades. The munching slowly got louder as they approached the alley, making them press down on their thumb, causing a button to spring the briefcases into varying weapons. As they travelled down the alleyway, a crouched figure was visible, yanking their head side to side erratically. The figure slowly turned towards the armed citizens revealing his short messy white hair that draped onto a light grey mask with shapes painted with wax in different colours along with the wax dribbling down.
         The business people raised their hands, bringing their weapons up, pointing to the sitting masked figure. The figure slowly got up, showing that he was a teenager wearing a grey shirt and black paint as the mask showed holes for eyes to see through as black sclera adorned with red cracks along with red irises peered through. He tilted his head innocently as if to ask why the weapons were aimed at him. The armed man growled slightly, a small frown on his face as his blue his glared deeply towards the masked teen.

         The teen tilted his head a bit more as the woman cleared her throat before speaking. "Why did you kill another innocent human?" She questioned as calmly as she could while the teen raised a finger to his mask's chin in a curious manner. The teen stayed silent as they stood there patiently before the teen shook his head and turned to walk away. The three stood there for a moment before rushing the silent figure, the light footsteps alerted the whitette, making him turn around as a blue hammer was swung his way.

          The hit connected, yet the hammer stayed still even when the male tried to pull his arm back but it didn't move an inch. Wrapped around the weapon was a yellow tentacle adorned by red lines with a blade attached to it with the tentacle meshed with the handle. Three more tentacles burst out of the masked killers back with the exact same look to them. The three free tentacles adjusted their position until they were directly pointed at his attackers. The tentacles shot forward, redirecting themselves in mid-air to hit the hamstring.

          The bladed tentacles slashed at it as it passed the leg of the man who held the blue hammer, forcing him onto his knees as he grit his teeth in pain. The other two went for the last of the attacker's hamstrings, but they jumped back just in time as the other male caught the one with a cut hamstring as he kept glaring at the masked teen. The woman gave no indication of anger and rushed forwards as the teen jumped and used the tentacles from before to slingshot him backwards as two scissor blades hit the ground, cracking it, where he was before. The teen landed on his feet as he turned and used his superior physical abilities to run out of the alley, springing forward occasionally due to his tentacles. As he passed an empty town square, a tv playing the news.

          He slingshot himself up to the roof of a short building with an air vent and hid. The woman's footsteps grew louder before going quiet again, letting the T.v gain his attention. "The Cannibal Kakuja, the SSS-Rank Ghoul, has recently killed a total of 35 ghouls and CPS officer in a nights notice. He did leave one survivor though, who had gotten sight of the Cannibal Kakujas mask. His mask is a Respirator mouthpiece along with steampunk goggles so if you do see this mask in public, please inform the authorities. In other news,..."

         Nothing else on the news interested the teenager as much as the Cannibal Kakuja. The Cannibal Kakuja is his role model, a ghoul who kills other ghouls along with CPS Agents before eating their Kagune and their Quinque, his food was made out RC Cells, the cells that make ghouls stronger. The teen unhooked his mask and placed it near his feet before looking towards the T.v again revealing his mouth and eyes that shone in the L.E.D of the T.v. His eyes went from the kakugan ghouls have, to a bright blue as he smiled slightly. His tentacles slowly dissipated, revealing a hole in the back of his shirt.

<<Timeskip brought to you by the CPS women smacking White Haired Ghoul on the head with balloon scissors>>

          The same teenager with a light coat with grey hair on the hood walked into a cafe, instantly being greeted by the manager. "Maxwell! How are you today? The usual I'm guessing?" the manager asked as he smiled, wearing the cafe's uniform, a vest with the name tag 'Ryder'. The now revealed Maxwell gave a small smile as he chuckled and pulled his hand out of his pocket and scratched his head.

           "Hehehe. I'm good, how's your kakugan Ryder?" Max questioned as Ryder sighed as his kakugan flickered back and forth before settling back on his green eyes. Ryder smiled softly and shook his head.

          "Not going to stop flickering, which might bug some people. But you still want your coffee with 2 milk 2 sugar, correct?" Ryder asked, his smile getting bigger on the second sentence. Max nodded, making Ryder smile and turn towards his co-worker before nodding. The co-worker went into the back as Ryder motioned the teenager towards a two-seater, which he obliged and sat down. "So how's life? Any type of discrimination we need to report to the CPS?"

          Maxwell shook his head before saying, "Nope, not a lot of people really care enough to notice that I'm a ghoul, but no discrimination from the people who have noticed. Some people even were excited to see me which was new." Ryder laughed at it as the bell above the door rang. A familiar girl walked in and headed over to us as she noticed us. As she got to the table she yanked another chair from the table across from us and tossed it lightly towards the side of the table before she sat backwards in the chair.

          "Hey fellas, how are you two today?" she asked as Ryder and Max let out a small sigh along with a small smile as they stared at her blankly. She let out a hearty chuckle as her brown hair draped down the side of her face.

           Ryder let out another side as he looked at her dumbfounded before saying, "We're fine Katy, how are you? You know, with you being a rebellious teenager with anger issues whom I may have to kick out of my store for ruining property." the now named Katy only smiled and leaned forward as Ryder ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

            "Aw come on Ryder, it's fine, all I have to do is pay for it right?" Ryder shook his head at her proposition making her groan before looking towards Max. " How are you doing Maxy? I heard the Quiet Child was in your area, are you scared?" she asked with a teasing tone accompanied by a playful smile. Max sighed before looking at her with a deadpan.

          "I'm a ghoul, I can defend myself from another ghoul. Anyways I can smell him from a mile away, it's not that hard with better senses." Max answered, rolling his eyes towards her, Ryder laughed as Katy scoffed before they all started laughing. At that moment, the co-worker from before walked up to them and place a cup of coffee in front of Max. Ryder stood up before looking at Max.

          "It was nice talking to you again, but I'm afraid I have to get back to work. Have a good day you two," he said before walking towards the back with his co-worker following behind. Katy stood up and put the chair back into its original position before sitting in Ryder's old seat. The two talked for a while before Max finished his coffee, ending his trip to the Cafe. He bid his farewells to the manager and company before walking out of the store, heading back to his apartment. Upon reaching his destination he took a locked box out of a loose floorboard and grabbed a key from his pocket before unlocking the box, showcasing his quiet child mask.

A/N: That was the first part of Snow Covered Corpses, Tokyo Ghoul but not in Tokyo. This is just my take on things so it doesn't mean much so if you dislike it that's fine, just if something gets mentioned but I get a fact wrong, please inform me as soon as possible! Thank you for reading and hope you will stick around for more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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