Chapter One

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It was that time of year for all young witches and wizards to go to Hogwarts! This is Jack and Ross's first year. They had already got their stuff and were in the great hall with all the other students.

"Jack Jay Carter?" Professor McGonagall called. Jack smiled at his new friends and his brother before walking up to the stool. He sat down and McGonagall put the hat on his head.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted. Gryffindor cheered happily for their new member. Jack jumped up and went to his house table.

"Ross Evans Carter?" McGonagall called. Ross looked at Jack, who gave him a smile, before walking up to the stool. He sat down and the hat was put on his head. It took a little longer with him before the hat yelled out.


The Slytherin table cheered and Ross stood up, going to his house table. After everyone shook his hand, Ross sat at the end closest to the professors' table and looked at Jack. The older twin saw Ross was upset. Jack didn't know why though. Maybe he's just tired. Jack thought before turning back to the front of the room.

Ross crossed his arms on the table and hid his face in his arms. He sighed softly and drifted off in his thoughts. After everyone was sorted, food popped onto the table. Ross didn't touch any of the food. Jack noticed and got worried about his younger brother. Jack decided to check on him.

"What are you doing?" A boy named, Ron, asked as Jack stood up. "Checking on my brother," Jack answered and walked over to the Slytherin table. No one really noticed him do so except the Professors and a few students from each table but not much. Since Ross was sitting on the very end, Jack crouched next to him and pat his back.

Ross looked up and saw his brother crouch next to him. "You alright?" Jack asked worried. Ross nodded. Jack didn't believe him at all. "Why aren't you eating? You haven't in three days!" Jack said in hopes to get his brother to eat. Ross shook his head again. Jack sighed and looked down. "What are you thinking about Ross?" Jack asked softly. Ross smiled softly and ruffled his older brother's hair.

Jack looked up and smiled with a small shake of his head at his brother. Ross was a quiet guy but he was very nice. He gave off a scary demeanor sometimes but he's actually really nice. He always finds a way to make Jack happy. When Ross put his arm back under his chin Jack ruffled his hair back. Something they did to let them know they were okay. "I'll see you later, Alright?" Jack said to him. Ross nodded and Jack smiled before standing up and going back to his table.

The professors watched the twins and saw the way they cared for each other. Dumbledore watched them and saw that Ross wasn't like the others. Ross wasn't like his brother at all. Jack was outgoing and loud while Ross was quiet and reserved. Professor Snape watched as the lion and snake interacted and immediately knew that Ross was going to need Jack. He also saw that they were hiding something. But what were they hiding? Severus Snape was going to find out one way or another.

Ross subconsciously grabbed his cross necklace that his mother gave him as a child. Holding it made him feel like she was with him. He fiddled with his necklace with his right check laying on his right arm. Severus noticed how the small child refused to eat anything but Jack, on the other hand, was eating like there was no tomorrow! Severus wanted to know what was wrong with Ross. Why was the boy so... distant? So... Alone?

Dinner ended and the houses went to their dorms. Jack, of course, ran over to Ross before they both left and gave him a big hug. "Goodnight baby bro, sleep well!" Jack said to him before ruffling his hair and running off. Ross put his hands in his pockets and looked down briefly before looking up and following his Prefect as he led the house to the Slytherin dormitory.

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