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"Mitchy, are you up for lunch at Green Lab" the blonde dancer asked when he came back into the room. "My treat today."

Mitch looked up at him, thinking about the offer, before he shook his head. "No, thank you very much, I'm meeting someone else" he said quickly. "Bye, Scott."

With these words, he simply left Scott alone in their shared practice room.

"Bye... Mitch" replied Scott, who was more than confused about Mitch's sudden change in behaviour. But, he thought to himself, maybe it was just the spur of the moment.

Scott decided to not think too much about it and made his way to Green Lab alone.

Lunch break was over pretty fast and once Scott entered their rehearsal room again, Mitch was already waiting for him.

"So... The Pas de Deux."
Scott said while changing into his slippers, "I think Lia was right, we're pretty good already, but there are many details we need to work on and it's only about a week until the premiere."

Mitch simply nodded.
He was already wearing his pointe shoes and stretched his legs while waiting for Scott.

Once they had started the music, the two dancers went through their routine, but within the first few steps, Scott noticed a difference:
Somehow, their flow was gone.

Of course they didn't make any mayor mistakes, but the good vibrations between them were gone. Not completely, it wasn't even close to what it had felt like in the beginning, when Mitch had been Scott's understudy, and Scott couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something was odd.


"Okay, everyone. This is the first of only two dress rehearsals we have. I'm positive that each and everyone of you will be perfect, because you worked so hard for this. So I want to have a full run through, if something goes wrong, just continue. Gina, Bryant and I will be watching you closely. Afterwards, we will talk through everything and determine where additional work is needed before the final rehearsal on Thursday" Lindsey said loudly to the whole ensemble which was assembled on the stage.

It was the Tuesday before the premiere, so the process was clear: dress rehearsal, one day for in depth practice on pieces that didn't work, final rehearsal, premiere on Friday.

"Any questions?" Lindsey asked after her little speech and when no one said anything she clapped her hands. "Great. Everyone on their positions, we'll start in five."

Scott walked behind stage to wait for his first scene, which only came later. He smiled at Mitch, who was getting ready to hit the stage, for the first time in his full outfit. He looked beautiful, a little more feminine with hair and make up done and of course the tutu, which was part of his costume.

"Good luck, Mitch" he said softly.

"Thanks" Mitch replied with a small smile, straightened his body and entered the stage as the music started.

As usually during dress rehearsals and shows in general, Scott's mind went blank when the music started.

In those moments, it was just his body working, replaying all the movements he had rehearsed over and over again for the past months.

Of course he could hear Lindsey's voice yelling instructions at the dancers and followed them when she meant him, but apart from that he was on full autopilot.

So much so that he didn't even notice that the spark that had flown between him and Mitch was still missing.

He snapped out of his focus when the whole rehearsal was over again and he heard Lindsey's applause:

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