Chapter 5: The past

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Tick-tock, tick-tock. The silence in the office made the ticking of these annoying clock, which Greg had not even noticed before, just unbearable. He had to spend a lot of time just to locate them on one of the decorative shelves, filled with books, vases and other unnecessary trash, which seemed so wildly important to his designer. Now, this small wooden box stood right in front of Greg and was tickling, and Greg did not know how to stop it. So he just sat there and tried to set it aflame by his stare, hoping that it would magically ignite or explode, or simply stop TICKING.

At last, the door to his office opened, first Frank's imposing figure has appeared, and then the silhouette of Tony waltzed inside.

"Are you busy?" - Frank asked stopping at Greg's desk and with interest looked at the cause of his friend's irritation. Although everyone in the room already understood that Greg annoyance was not at all because of the clock in the first place.

"No," Greg gritted his teeth, gesturing for his friends to sit down.

"You look somewhat not very cheerful," Tony said worriedly, although the smile did not slip from his face even for a second, so Greg only lifted one eyebrow and stared at his friend, showing him that he was not in a good mood for his jokes. Tony immediately raised his hands in a sign of surrender.

Frank stepped forward and tried to pacify the both of them.

" Okay, okay, let's not dump on each other our negative energy. The night was hard for everyone ... - But Frank's words were interrupted by half sob half laugh that Tony diligently tried to disguise as a cough.

Greg took a long breath, trying to extinguish the irritation caused by Tony's luminous face. He could not calm down since the morning. Since about the time they found Greg half-naked, sleeping on the floor of some utility room. As soon as Tony entered the sagging building and saw the friend in such an embracing state, his face started to shine like a supernova. Rising his hands to the haven he proclaiming, "Oh My God! Is today my birthday or something?!", Ignoring the vicious curses of Greg who was still trying to understand where he is and what happened.

"Well, I'm sorry, honey," Tony finally decided to let his friend off. "But you should understand me, too. Not often I have the opportunity to see my ever-righteous and serious friend who is very fond of reading morals about relationships with women, in this state. I'm burning with impatience, tell us about your nightly adventures!" - Tony leaned forward, his whole appearance showing that he was more than ready to hear this epic story.

"It was Lana," - Greg answered simply.

"Mmm ... Ok ?! Wonderful name. Go on..." - apparently, this piece of information did not make a special impression on Tony. But Frank's eyes became big like two bowls.

" Heck! Really?" - he asked in surprise. Greg only nodded, looking for something on the opposite wall with a diffused look. Tony stared at his friends confusedly.

"May I ask for details?" he finally said in a serious tone, realizing that the situation was more complicated than it seemed at first. Greg fell silent, so Frank decided to explain everything himself.

"Lana is Greg's ex-girlfriend." he started, carefully choosing the words.

"Which one?" - decided to clarify Tony, remembering the eternal parade of faceless ladies in the life of Greg.

"No, Tony, not which one, but ... that Lana, the one and only Lana!" - Frank answered him with meaning. Tony wrinkled his forehead, trying to remember who he was talking about, then his face lit up with understanding and Tony exhaled: "Oooh!"

- That's right. OH! So what happened? " - Confirmed Tony 's guess Frank turned to Greg for clarification.

"No, wait," Tony interrupted him. "I remember that you mentioned Lana, who broke Greg's heart and trampled upon his manhood, and smashed his ego ..."

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