Emotional Connection

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7 hours later

Worry made Gia's stomach ache, bloat and twist with nerve induced gas and discomfort. She hadn't ever been this worried before and it was miserable. Isaac wasn't her friend. Hell, she didn't even like him. But she was worried, so worried, that by hour seven, she had strands of her hair falling from her fingers.

Isaac wasn't returned until hours after he had been taken - seven exactly. He was dragged back in, beaten and unconscious - confirming all the fears Gia had made herself sick imagining. BBW (Big Bald Weirdo) tossed Isaac in like a sack of potato, his limp body hitting the floor with a sickening slap. The locks slid into place after BBW wordless departure.

In shock she sat frozen, breath caught uncomfortably in her throat. She just stared at the heap of flesh that was Isaac, just watched as he withered in pain even in his unconscious state. If it wasn't for the shivering, she would have thought he was dead. She finally moved, seeming to snap out of inaction and into action. She scrambled up, nearly falling in her haste to get to him.

He was much worse up close.

He looked unrecognizable, big black and blue bruises littered every inch of his exposed flesh like morbid tattoos. If it wasn't black or blue, it was red. With shaking fingers, Gia reached out, her mind deciding to move too slow or to fast (she wasn't sure which), she had to blink multiple times to discern reality. Her fingers just barely grazed his cheek, but he flinched away violently. She quickly pulled her hand back and hugged it to her chest. She gazed upon him with large disbelieving eyes. The reality of the situation so plain in her face and terribly humbling.

"Isaac," she called softly and licked her dry lips. His brows furrowed and his head turned towards her, his eyes cracked open, but only as much as the swelling would allow. He sucked in a deep breath but quickly winced as a result. A single tear escaped the swollen lids and dripped down his face and disappeared into his hair. Each breath after the deepened one seemed to accompany a wince and a wheeze. He looked afraid, which disturbed her greatly. It wasn't even five seconds later that he was out again.

Gia rocked back – dizzy - and dropped to her behind beside him, and her arms wrapped around her knees. She realized she was shivering herself.


"How bad is it?"

The dark-skinned girl's eyes snapped open, and she quickly lifted her head up from where she had fallen asleep on the ground. She ignored the ache in her neck that seemed to spread to or start at her head to focus on Isaac, who was awake and more alert than he had been in hours.

"Are you alright?" she blurted hoarsely.

"No," he answered honestly, with a croak in his own voice. Her hand reached for the nap of her neck and the hairs there. "I think I have a cracked rib - maybe it's just bruised," He wheezed.

She nibbled on her lip nervously but had the fleeting thought not to start another bad habit. "I was going to move you to the cot...but I didn't want to make anything worse." She also didn't think she could have lifted him. "We can try now if you want too."

He laughed, which confused her. He seemed to instantly regret the action though. "I don't think I ever want to move again," He told her voice barely whisper.

"Staying on the ground won't help you heal!" she said quickly. "The cot feels like shit but it's a step up from the floor."

He squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "We can try..." He finally relented.

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