Bonus Chapter!

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As promised all the random bits and bobs that have accumulated during the creation of this story! And will feature notes and comments from yours truly! ;}

Table of Contents?

-My Art Gallery

-Peter VS. The Widower

-Thermodynamics With Junkies!

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-Spider-Baby And The Murder Bots


Suit Design:

-Here are some practice sketches of me trying to get a general idea of what his suit might look like

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-Here are some practice sketches of me trying to get a general idea of what his suit might look like. I wanted to somehow take aspects from the clothes he wore as Nor so I decided something like a "mask" over the face... buuut That wasn't working out too well and he kept looking like other Marvel characters. Eventually I did decide to go with the hood instead of the mask.

-Since Peter's clothing preference changed to a more moody style, of course this would also reflect on his suit

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-Since Peter's clothing preference changed to a more moody style, of course this would also reflect on his suit. This was the first design of the suit I have and it has stayed relatively the same except for small detail changes. I'm actually really proud with how it turned out.

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Always Silent, Peter DarlingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora