The decision

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I did not fall from Grace neither did I  betray God.
I simply decided I wasn't going to loose faith in God's creation humanity has betrayed God so many times that he has decided he is no longer going to help them but I don't feel the same so he set me a challenge if I can change his view on humanity in 30 days then he won't turn his back on them it would mean I lived amongst them but I'd be in a human form there are rules though;
1. I can not use violence
2. I'm not to use my powers to persuade them
3. I can't tell anybody why I'm there
4. I can't become to attached.                  If by day 30 I don't prove God wrong humanity will be left to the devils hand and they will suffer

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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