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©_englishrain, All Rights Reserved 2014. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission by the copyright holder. Any relevance to characters in real life is completely coincidental. Basically, don’t copy my story or I may have to cut a bitch.


hello! thank you so much for dropping by and reading my story. it really means a lot. so, if you haven’t noticed already, this is going to be a supernatural fanfiction but by all means you do not need to know what supernatural really is to read it; basically everything you need to know is that ‘supernatural characters’ exist. such as angels, demons, vampires, etc. everything except bigfoot.


this is the FIRST book in my collection “mental illnesses & wordly fears”, but of course they are stand-alone and do NOT need to be read in order.


Book 2: “Schizophrenia” (Dean Winchester)

Book 3: “Nightmare Disorder (Sam Winchester)

Book 4: “Redemption” (Crowley)

Book 5: “ADHD” (Lucifer)


i know that redemption isn’t a mental disorder, but crowley’s a demon and it’s fitting. you’ll see how that story will progress. i’m going to put most of the stories up already just in case, but they’re not going to have any chapters until i finish them all in order. i am still writing most of my stuff during school, so i won’t be able to update as often as i would like to.


i, of course, do not own the tv show supernatural or its original ideas; it all belongs to their rightful creators. i, however, do own my own original characters present in the story and basically the fanfiction.


i would also like to say that i do not mean to offend ANYONE who has any of the disorders mentioned above; i don’t want to say that this is purely for “entertainment” since that would sound completely rude and inconsiderate towards those who may know someone suffering or is suffering from one of the things above: again, i do not mean to offend anyone AT ALL.

leaving it off on that note, i’ll see you all in the next parts! hope you enjoy & have a lovely day. xx

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