My oc's saying things my friends have said

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Keya: "I'm not gay, I just like boys."

Faerin: "A washing machine doesn't use water."

Maggie: "Yes they do, how do you think the clothes get wet?"

Faerin: "The detergent..?"

Maggie, wheezing: "nO"

Ace: "Yo, you wanna watch hentai?"

June: "wtf no"

Sapphire: "..." "yes"

Lana: "Oh my god, hey daddy!"

Bubbles: "I'll fuck you later"

Lana: "You know when you take a huge shit? No homo, but that shit feels good."

Bubbles: "Yeah it's satisfying, you feel 10 pounds lighter after."

Lana: "Exactly!"

Crown: "Why does it smell so bad?"

Amber, whispering: "Someone ate too much chipotle..."

Amber: "And Crown would want a to be a shark so she can eat people."

Crown, whispering: "I told you not to put that in the power point!"

June: "Why did Ace get suspended?"

Sapphire: "He wrote a poem about penises"


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