Episode 1, Chapter 6

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Cain lead his team to follow Mike's directions, and without having to go through the hassle of finding their own trail, they found the Delta's settlement within the hour. On their approach, however, they discovered the evidence of the herd Mike had mentioned. Over a dozen walkers lined their route, cut off from the rest of their herd, and the group made short work of them. Yurik proposed an idea for how they could use the walkers as a disguise, and although Lilith protested in revulsion, Ian, Malcolm, and Cain all agreed that covering themselves with the dead walkers' blood would be the safest way to approach their enemy. Not only would they be invisible to the walkers, but if they made sure to disguise their movements, the Delta might hopefully mistake them for the roaming dead. Like Abram had said, their stealth was vital to this mission. Lilith grudgingly agreed to that.

They had turned off the road where Mike had suggested, and Cain had been surprised to see a fairly large river in their way. They quickly found a makeshift bridge made up of nailed together boards that had been placed over the water, and after passing by it and the hill that lays behind it with bated breath, they finally find the Delta.

In a small valley on the other side of the hill lies what looks like a large gated factory compound that at first glance seems abandoned, or at least it would from ground level. From their vantage point on the hill, however, Cain can make out the figures of guards standing along the wall, and he can hear the sounds of shouting and gunshots coming from their direction. As to why, it probably has something to do with the hundreds of walker corpses strewn around the compound and the few dozen still hissing and moaning and trying to storm through the gates. Now they know what happened to the bulk of that herd.

"Well that, that's not exactly what I expected to find," Ian says over the sounds of gunshots echoing through the valley, resting his hands on his knees as he looks onto the scene below.

"How the hell are we going to get up close to them?" Lilith asks, looking to Cain for answers. "Their guard is already up, and we can't try to blend in with the herd without getting shot by those guards. I'm not seeing a way in."

"Maybe we don't need to get in," Yurik says slowly, as if thinking aloud. "Maybe if we get higher, to top of hill, maybe we can look down into compound to see what we need to see?"

"He's right," Cain says, his mind rapidly trying to work through the scenarios. There's another two gunshots from the factory and Cain pauses until the sound fades before he continues. "If we can get high enough to see into the compound with the binoculars, we can do this. Two of us can get up there, get some intel on their defences, then get the hell out while the others stay on watch down here."

"I don't like it," Ian protests. "Splitting up seems like a bad idea, and up there, we'll be too vulnerable. We know now that they took our people and where we can find them, so we should leave now while we still can and get that Intel back to Abram."

"We don't know yet, not for sure," Lilith counters. "I mean it seems likely, but the chance is still there that Mike wasn't with the Delta and is trying to set us up. I mean it seems far fetched, but aren't we here to eliminate all doubt? Isn't that the whole reason Abram sent us?"

"Lilith has a point," Malcolm says, nodding his head slowly. "This is the only way we can finish the mission. We still don't know how many people are there, how fortified those defenses are, or what kind of weapons they have. Those are important details we need to know, and I'm willing to risk it."

"Maybe, but it isn't worth risking our lives and the information we already know," Ian shoots back. "I say we leave now and-"


The single word, spoken with volume and confidence, cuts through all the other voices and they all turn to look at Cain, whose face is set in resigned determination.

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