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what happened was i was talking to
twatsus ( 999LUSTED ) about drawing
eeydore for him but i couldn't draw the
baby so i thought why not i draw something meaningful for everyone ?

so i drew this :

as a way to thank everyone for noticing me and talking with me , for making mewho i am today

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as a way to thank everyone for noticing me and talking with me , for making me
who i am today . without you all I'd
probably be hopeless and sad , so thank you for coming into my life and making everyday a blessing for me .

each one of you deserves a hug and
lots of love ! you all make me soft and
you define my existence in every way
possible .

you're all my little kids / brats whom
i love dearly and i want you all to be
happy for yourself , please don't put
anyone else ahead of you , please
dont cry for people who are not worth
you ; tears are your greatest jewellery
except smile , they are your pearls and you should use it wisely .

it's okay to feel sad and empty but
don't push away others , open up to them and see how your sadness and emptiness goes away !

you have to be with the right people to
feel special and you all are the ones for me ; my home , my family , my babies .

I'll always be here for you ♥

[ Unbawthered ]

[ p6nish ]

[ ciutae ]

[ seogyu ]

[ narutoruns ]
happy bday once again child <3

[ -estherr ]


[ chunghah ]

[ diorcita ]

[ -vintagefvck ]

[ 999LUSTED ]

[ 666FUCKS ]

[ kissIater ]

[ capriscns ]

[ thotcults ]

[ yeetemotions ]

and sera but bby you left ):

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