Chapter 8

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I sit in my room wondering what Jessie's doing hoping she'll forgive me. I grab the phone and call her cell. She doesn't answer. I figure she's still mad at me. I go to my room to smoke obviously ignoring why Jessie was mad at me.I walk outside to see the acquaintance I had talked to at school before I got hospitalized. Her name is Carly. I immediately stormed back in side. She knocked at the door and asked to come in. I reluctantly said yes. She came in and she told me she had no idea they had pranked me til I ran home and they all started laughing. She heard I had been in the hospital. I offered her a snack and she sat for a second then finally said

"Sure." When she was finished with her snack she stood saying she should probably get back home. I walked over to her and gave her the tightest hug ever and tears began running down my face. She then decides to stay and ask what had happened. I explained how Jessie had broken up with me and how scared I was thinking Denis was dead. Denis was like my brother. He was a better brother than my real one. All Garison ever did was yell at me. But Denis would always be there for me when I needed help. Carly and I talked for awhile. I never realized how much we had in common. She finally ended up going home after an hour of me trying to explain everything through tears and gasps for air. I said goodbye to my new found friend. About twenty minutes after she left I rode my board to Denise's to see if he wanted to hang out. When I got there things seemed too quiet. But after about two minutes I heard snoring fro his bedroom window which just happened to be open and had no screen. I climbed in his window like a ninja or some shit. I sneak up to his bed. And then yell boo right in his ear. He jumps about two feet in the air.

"What was that for?"


"We'll you nearly scared me half to death."

"Sorry. I really need to talk to you. Well considering I thought you were dead. Y weren't you at school?"

"I had to go out of town for a family emergency. The devils at our school seized the opportunity to tell you I had been killed.

"I hate people so fucking much. Except for you Carly and..." I paused for a moment to see if I really hated Jess or not.

" I have t go Denis."

" where are you going?"

"Somewhere." I had to go see Jessica it was killing me inside. I rode home first to change my clothes but when I walked in my room I smelt something out if the ordinary I decided to ignore it and changed into a green day tank and some cutoffs. When I went out back I saw something I will never be able to unsee.

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