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(A/N so you know a while back when I said I was only allowed to ship Sokeefe? Well I broke that deal and I don't care just don't tell the peeps at my school and I don't care that you don't know what school I go to so yeah!)
Me: Hello peeps! Welcome back!
Keefe: Hi!
Me: Greetings!
Keefe: Good morning!
Me: Good afternoon!
Keefe: Good evening!
Me: Bonjour
Keefe: Aloha
Me: Hola
Keefe: Nîn Hâu
Me: Konichiwa
Keefe: Guten tag
Me: Olá
Keefe: Anyoung
Me: Salut
Keefe: Privet
Me: Salve
Keefe:  Ciao
Biana: Ok, this stops now!
Me: Aww fine
Dex: What's Ditz and why is Fitz back?
Fitz: Hello
Me: Hi
Keefe: Greetings
Biana: No!
Me: Sad face
Linh: So, What is Ditz?
Sophie: Let me guess, another ship?
Me: Of course!
Dex: D for........ me oh no
Me: Mmhmm
Linh: Itz for..... Ha! Fitz!
Me: Uh huh!
Dex: Wait seriously? I thought you shipped Fitz with Sophie?
Dex: Okay..... but why Ditz?
Fitz: Yeah Dex is gross....... oh no offense...
Dex: *rolls eyes*
Keefe: DITZ DITZ DITZ *keeps chanting*
Me: Weeeeeell, you know how Dex calls Fitz Wonderboy and supposedly hates him? Well he is just covering up the the fact that he is gay and likes Fitz. On Fitz's side, you have the jealousy of Keefe and Sophie's relationship in Alluveterre so that was just covering up the fact that he, Fitzroy Avery Vacker is gay and has a crush on Dex.
Keefe: WOW, intense words dude.
Me: Thanks man.
Fitz: Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... Wellllllllll, maybe I am gay but uhh well um maybe I do like Dex maybe ....
Dex: *blushing profusely* Um well I uh maybe am gay too and maybe I do like Fitz but ummmm....
Me: Oooooooooooooooh!
Me: Okay Tam, you kind of ruined it...
Keefe: *sarcastically* Ummmmmm well maybe I am gay and I um like Tam..... *not sarcastically* Oh wait.... do I like Tam? Am I gay? Whaaaaaat? O my gawd! I'm gay and I like Tam!
Tam: *blushing bright red* Heh heh well maybe just maybe I like you too Keefe....
Me: Awwwwwwww how cute!
Biana: I had no idea Fitz was gay!
Sophie: I had no idea Dex was gay! Wait a minute..... Is that why us kissing didn't feel right Dex? Because you were gay the whole time?
Dex: Maybe......
Me: Ditz. React. To. Ditz.
Fitz: Are you saying we should?.....
Me: Ditz.
Dex: Do you want too Fitz?
Fitz: Sure...
Dex and Fitz: *Quickly kiss each other*
Biana, Me, and Linh: Awwwwww
Me: That was a beautiful ending to this chapter! Please vote and comment I would appreciate it sooo much and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you! Disclaimer: All these characters (besides me) belong to Shannon Messenger!
Fitz: Does ANYONE know what that means?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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