Ch. 1: Regret

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(Jin's POV)
"Ugh, god that fucking training was hard," as I finally laid my aching body on my bunk within my barracks. The rest of my unit grumbled in agreement as the rest of them reached their own beds after we all got out of the showers. We had a couple of hours before lights out. Each of us were in own world with the small personal space we had. Slowly, I got my body up and headed towards my small locker to grab a couple of things I need. Once I opened it, my bunk mate peered over my shoulder and let out a whistle.

"Jin, who is that? She is gorgeous," as he pointed to the picture I had hanging within the locker. After I grabbed what I needed out of my locker, I slammed it shut.

"It's none of your business," as I let out an irritated sigh. "She is just a friend. That is all you need to know."

"Oh, I get it," as he put his hands up in defense. "Don't talk about the pretty woman hanging in your locker next to your band mates. Whoever she is, in the picture you had the biggest smile next to her. I won't pry and just leave you alone."

"Thank you," as I sighed and returned back to my bunk. I pulled out the pen and paper, sitting there staring at the paper.

It has been four months since I have been in boot camp. Six months that you and I have stopped being boyfriend and girlfriend. Since that day, I haven't stopped thinking about you, Beautiful. When I unpacked my things when I first arrived, I didn't expect to find your photo in my bag. Jungkook left me a note with it saying 'To get you through service, Hyung.' The gesture was simple and I appreciated it. Every time things got tough here, I look at that picture to remember our times together.

It also reminded me what I did to you....

Since that day, all that plays in my head was your tear stained face and your forced smile. The way your hazel eyes couldn't look straight at me. All I wanted to do was wipe those tears away.

Every day I regret that I lied to you and caused you that pain.

Every day I have to remind myself, I did it to make you happy.

But every day, I wish I didn't do it and told you that I loved you.

Every day I wished I told you that all I want was you and....

Asked would you have waited for me for two years?

I tried to calm myself down and push back the feelings of my heart. I hold onto the pen and paper as I stared at the few words I written on there, not knowing what else to write. I didn't know what else to put.

Dear Mitsuki,

Beautiful, I am sorry. I lied to you.

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