Bakugou X Kirishima

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Oooookkkkkkk. Ok ok ok. Soooo. Kiri. Baku. I really really don't want to say I hate this ship. But. I kinda do. And like yeah I kinda ship it but at the same time it's kinda... Idk... Overhyped. And yes the producers of the show or whatever said they hike together and study together and then there's the events of the movie 'n crap but again. Close to EVERYONE ships them and it's a toxic ship. Not because the people aren't good together, but just because a lot of the people who ship them say stuff to try and get the people who don't ship it to ship it. And it bugs me.

It... It kinda feels like a shoe-in. Like you're meant to ship it. Like they want you to. And I don't like that. It's like DekUraka. It feels just a tiny bit like they're like "ship this. This is the ship."

Although I don't exactly ship this, I have read a fic and despite the fact that the ship is not that good this fic was amazing. It was "In your (FUCKING) dreams!" By Rose_on_the_Wall.

Sorry if I rambled.


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