Unexpected Visitors

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=Snatcher POV=

My forest is always the same since that kid left. I take some poor sap's soul, they do my bidding, I kill them off... I make sure that my minions stay out of trouble, make sure she doesn't try anything shady, sort out the village... It's pretty strange, but all of the forest inhabitants seem more miserable than they usually were. They've been that way for quite a while, ever since-

I saw a couple young women walk around the forest, almost like they were looking something. What could they possibly find of interest here? Oh well, might as well take their souls and get it over with... I did make sure that my traps were in place earlier, so it's only a matter of time before they fall into one.

...Speak of timing, there they were, shaking like leaves in the wind! Though for some reason, this seemed eerily familiar. When I was closer, they seemed to be arguing about something.

"See, Aeryn?! I told you we'd fall for it!" the one with ringlet curls growled.

The other, Aeryn I presumed, crossed her arms and sighed "So what? I know his traps aren't that bad! At least we found him, Nikki!"

Nikki rolled her eyes "More like he found us!"

I butted in "Ladies, I hate to interrupt, but you seem..." I noticed the 'Aeryn' lady was wearing a blue knit hat with bear ears, which is... "...familiar..."

She turned to me "Snatcher, it's me! Hat Kid! ...Also Bow Kid..."

My face fell from a smug grin to an elated smile of nostalgia "Kid... You're back...?"

Tears started to form in my glowing eyes as I embraced the child that had grown so much. No, she was a fully grown woman!

I heard her begin to cry as well "I... I missed you Snatcher... So much..."

"Kid I..." I blinked back tears, but they continued to flow "I've always wanted to see you again... You were like the daughter I never had..."

When those words came out of my mouth, she hugged me tighter.

"Me too... Dad..."

* * *

I took her to the village. My minions, Subconites as she called them, were elated to see her again. Subconites, huh? I like it... Maybe I'll call them that too, who knows?

"Boss!" one of them cried "Boss, we have a certain moon problem to deal with!"

I rolled my eyes "What's he want this time?"

It wasn't surprising that he'd want to see her, too. Moonjumper, the spirit who was 'one with the moon' or something.

Here he was, skin so blue that it almost looked sickening. His eyes shot red, it was like blood. However, one of his eyes wasn't an eye, it was a gaping mouth where his right eye should be. The left had a pupil that looked like a swirl. He was, by far, the most annoying resident of Subcon Forest! But I did enjoy seeing him on occasion. He fluffed his scarlet coat and tightened the deep navy ponytail at the back of his head when he floated towards me.

"Hello Snatcher!" Moonjumper beamed, cheery as ever "I've heard the hatted child has returned!"

I smirked and pointed to Aeryn "Oh, you mean that adult over there?"

He gasped and rushed over to her "Oh my dear, you've grown so much! So so much! You're like a whole different person!"

She giggled softly "Hey Moonjumper! I'm guessing you missed me, too?"

"Of course I missed you! Why wouldn't I miss my little niece?!" Moonjumper picked her up and twirled her around, then noticed Nikki and spun her too "You're both here?! This is the best day ever!"

"Yeah, you missed us... Now can you stop spinning us?" Nikki whined, a little dizzy.

He nodded and set her down "Oh, right! My bad! I swear, you two are still so precious!"

Aeryn smiled "Thank you! Hey
um..." she turned to me "Do you know if there's any apartments around here? I still have pons saved up, so I hope I can manage to get a place..."

I had my trademark grin "The cities near Dead Bird Studio should have housing and apartments! I've visited before, but I haven't looked too much into it"

"Thanks dad!" Aeryn hugged me "If you want, I can visit every week"

"I'd like that, kiddo..."

* * * * * *

=Vivian POV=

I hit shore. I don't know how long I've been out at sea, but I brought the things I needed. I tried to save up pons so I could leave Mafia town, I'd need a job after that though. I had 1522 pons in my pockets, so maybe I could get a small apartment or something... Hopefully they let me have a roommate so I didn't have as much rent. Hopefully...

I was in the midst of a large city. It was smaller than Mafia Town, but still pretty big. Many of the people were running around, trying to get to the places they were headed to.

I looked up at a large red and white apartment building. It had a small cutout section near the front doors with windows inside of the cutout. The building also looked like it had graffiti on it. I stepped into the building with confidence, but I was a little nervous, I must admit. I walked up to the front desk and spoke to the bird-person behind it.

"Hello sir! How much is it to rent an apartment here?"

He took a cigarette out of his beak and scoffed, sitting up from his leaning position "1,050 pons per week, but if ya have a couple roommates, it'll make yer job a lot easier..."

I saw another, more colorful bird walk up behind the counter and giggle "Ignore his pessimism! I can set up a few people for you to room with if that works for you, ma'am! A couple people called and said they wanted an apartment, but they told me if another person wanted the third bedroom that they can have it!"

I smiled "That sounds lovely, thank you! Do you know when I can meet them?"

"They aren't here yet, but one lady said they should be here soon!" the bird handed me a room key "You're in room 903, rent is due tomorrow and every Tuesday after that! Have a good day, miss!"

I nodded, taking an elevator up to the ninth floor. There was 3 different doors, being 901, 902, and...

"Ah, 903!" I cheered to myself.

I unlocked and opened the door, setting down my bag. Luckily it was furnished, it had a kitchen to the left, two doors to the right, and a dining area straight ahead. The chairs looked modern, the cushions colored yellow. The table was black metal with a glass top. A blue rug was under the table and chairs. The dining area also had a bookcase, but there weren't many books on it.

I stepped forward into the apartment more, taking in how nice it was. But I started to hear a pair of muffled voices behind me. Two women, I think. The door unlocked and opened, I turned to meet my new roommates...

"It's you!"

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