~Leon pov~

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I was looking around the area to make sure there were no more holes. Just a few minutes before the leader, his son, and my baby brother left three zombies came and bit three of the rich girls. We had to kill the zombies and the girls which wasn't a hard decision for me since we were trying to survive with as many survivors we could hold. I heard yelling and shooting coming from the front so I ran over there ready to shoot but by the time I got their everyone was safe. As I came closer I only saw the leader and his son and that just made me angry.

" Where the fuck is my baby brother," I shouted at the leader

He didn't say anything but I could tell in his eyes that something happened. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and asked him again.

" Lay off my dad!!" The son shouted at me and I turned to him.

" I won't since it was your father's Fault for losing my baby brother you little brat and he promised me that he would be safe and come back with the both of you!!! So you lay off!" I said as a push his dad to the ground and stormed off.

My baby brother was the reason I was protecting these shitty people but now that he's gone I'm not protecting anybody but myself.

~three months later~

Everyone has been trying to get me to do my job but I kept refusing. Why would I help them if they left my baby brother to die and be turned? Even the leader's stupid brat even asked me!!! I ignored him like the rest of them and I can't wait for tonight. I'm going to leave and find my now zombie brother and I don't care if he turns me. 

" At least I hope I can find him before being turned." I thought

I sighed as I looked at the zombie infested land. Before coming here I had wanted was to be eatened by the zombies. I had little care about myself till I found my baby brother, he was cornered by a zombie and I rushed in and killed the dead fucker. I spent so much of my life trying to end my life but I couldn't do that when he needed me. Anyway, I had packed a few things a few days ago. I had seven loads of ammo, three pistols, one shotgun, six bars of chocolate, five sandwiches, four water bottles, two cans of coke, and a picture of baby brother and me. Hopefully, I packed everything before I leave tonight.

I looked out at the fence on my supposed post though if I see a zombie I'm just protecting myself. Just I was about to leave I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw four rich girls. They all were blushing and two of them were giggling. I sighed and folded my arms and wait for one of them to speak. I didn't wait long till one of the giggling girls spoke up.

" So Leon we were wondering if you wanted to eat with us? We would love your company," she said flirtatiously.

I snorted and walked away from them and toward the center camp. As I walked away I could hear their angry shouts. Sorry but I don't date self-absorbed people. I smirked at my thoughts as I walked to center camp and ignoring the girl's glares in my direction as I walked to my tent. When I entered all that was there was three blankets and under them is my bag. I sat down on the cold dried up grass and stared down. I wasn't there for that long when one of the other guards came in. I looked up and saw Mark a rich colleague who I once thought as a friend but now he's an enemy.

" Why didn't you go with the girls? It's an honor to even be looked at by them let alone doing things with them." He said laughing lightly

I glared at him and turned my back to him. He sighed and decided to sit next to me close to my escape bag. I was nervous that he would notice it but I didn't show it. 

" Look Leon I know I'm not the greatest friend since you know with your brother and all. I know you cared the most for him and what happened was horrible but you need to get over what happened. We can't afford to lose people right now and we need everyone on guard." He said with pleading eyes

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