Project File: The Subject

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Halley's POV:

It began on an early summer day. It was about 4:00. I had just gotten out of school, with my last class being on the third story. I had been entered into a raffle for the most prestigious school in my district in kindergarten, and I have been here ever sense.  It costs mom a whole bunch of money, and the tuition rates rise every year. Mom works 2 jobs and and owns a small laundromat off the corner of Jinx and Latin. She's never home, and I basically live over at my friend Ivy's house. As I was contemplating my decision to go to this school another year, based on my mom's and my financial situation, a group of upperclassmen rounded the corner. 

Ah, the upperclassmen at my school. You will never find a more wrenched hive of scum and villainy,  I thought to myself as they passed by. One of the younger ones looked at me and said, "What you looking at kid? I hope it's not at me. Cause' if that happens to be the case," He motioned with his hand a slit throat. I looked down and away.  My wavy, black hair fell into my face. With the ends died blonde, it was easy to see through them and find exactly who threatened me. It was Charlie Brazzeri. He was the son of one of the richest men in the city, and he looked the part. Unlike his father, he was rude and opinionated, thinking that sense he was richer than almost everyone, he was allowed to push everyone around. As my eyes darted back to my backpack, I noticed a shadow behind me. 

CRASH! I fell against my locker, with somebody spinning me round. "Hey, sweet cheeks. Were going to have some fun. But first, " he paused, lifting his hand, "Lemme leave a mark!" His hand sped towards my face, and I somehow intercepted it. He narrowed his eyebrows, and was about to try and punch me again, but then,

"HAAALLLEEEYYYYYYY!!!!" My best friend Ivy came up the stairs. Every bully avoids her because she is so weird and unusual. Her hair is died a bright red, with other random color streaks it it. It was crimped today, and in a ponytail, so she looked like she had just been electrocuted. I had never been more relieved in my life to see her. (And believe me, she was usually never a relief.) Charlie ran, not wanting to be caught with the "Weirdo Woman." Unfortunately for Ivy's bullies, she had taken it to heart, and often wore her own created superhero costumes to school. "Hey, Ivy. You sure are a sight for sore eyes." "Sup, Comet! I thought that I heard Charlie! Do you want to work on our Project today?" She wiggled her eyebrows and winked. (Ivy likes to be theatrical and over the top, as well as create fashion designs.) "Sure Ivy, just let me grab my stuff."

We exited the building, with posters flapping in the wind and the sound of people playing on their phones behind us, we began the long walk home.

"Hey Ivy, what were you planning this night?" "Hmm, nothing much, just designing some stuff. You planning on gaming the entire time?" "Yeah. It's been a long day." "Maybe we can discus the certain thing that you have been avoiding for a while. Maybe..." She trailed off, staring at my back. "We, could uh, work on the Project?" "Fine. You want to, but don't go off on me if I get bored," I said, a slight smile starting up on my face.

"Race you home?" "Your on!"

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